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Showing posts from January, 2018


15 Signs He Just Wants Sex & is Only Using You for His Enjoyment

It can be really crappy to realize a guy is just using you for physical fun. Knowing the signs he just wants sex can help you avoid it altogether. Some guys are garbage people. They draw you in and make you think they’ll be the best guy in your life only to leave you crying on the floor because he really just wanted sex. It’s unfortunate, but it’s the reality sometimes. But you can avoid it if you’re aware of the signs he just wants sex. Thankfully, some guys make it very clear they’re only using you. What’s hard is if you get attached and then try to tell yourself he’s different. That he’d never do that to you because you care so much about him. It’s hard, but sometimes you have to admit the truth. Why guys just use girls for sex The main thing to understand here is that most guys don’t actually want to hurt you. They usually just have commitment issues they have to work out or think you just want sex, too. There’s usually a misunderstanding of sorts when you find out he’s just in...

How to Take a Sexy Selfie: 12 Details that Make All the Difference

Not all of us have our own personal photographer, so when it comes to taking sexy photos, it’s all about how to take a sexy selfie the right way. At the end of the day, there’s no actual wrong way to take a photo. Nor is there a right way to take a sexy selfie. Why? Because everyone finds different things sexy. You eating a pizza with grease running down your face is sexy to someone. While for others seeing a bikini selfie is the ultimate sexy selfie. So, at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what’s in the content of your selfie, but there are still tips for how to take a sexy selfie. How to take a sexy selfie – The 12 best tips to keep in mind Though selfie-taking makes you feel sexy, at the same time, when you’re not sure where your hands go or what to do with your face it makes you feel like an idiot. Whether taking a selfie on your bed, cooking, or walking your dog, you can make it super sexy. I mean, if you’re in the selfie, it’s already sexy. But if you want to know so...

How to Hold a Conversation and Keep Anyone Engaged and Having Fun

When it comes to meeting new people, knowing how to hold a conversation is crucial. Here’s how you can make sure people enjoy talking to you. You can’t really go through life without knowing how to hold a conversation. For basically everything you do, talking to people is essential. Getting a new job? You have to hold a conversation. Trying to meet someone new to date? You have to be able to talk in an engaging way. Really, knowing how to keep the conversation going is extremely important. But there are plenty of us out here who just can’t. It’s hard. We don’t know what to say and keeping someone engaged long enough to get to know us is nearly impossible. Keeping someone interested isn’t as easy as it looks Although some people are just born with a talent for talking – like salesmen – others have to work really hard at it. It’s a skill and not just something that naturally comes to everyone. And that means, just like any skill you pick up, it takes time and effort. The great thing...

How to Ask a Girl Out on a Date: 15 Ideas to Inspire Creativity

Asking a girl out on a date is nerve wracking. But knowing how to ask a girl out on a date is easy with these 15 inspiring ideas. Understanding how to ask a girl out on a date is a little daunting at times, but if you don’t try, you’ll never know what could have been! Of course, your chances of a yes greatly increase if you put a little effort and thought into it and come up with a charming and unique way of asking her out. When it comes to asking a girl out on a date, there are lots of things to help make sure she agrees. Just remember, if she likes you back she will probably say yes, even if you do stumble over your words or make a mistake. However, if you ask her out in a calm and confident way she’ll be impressed right from the start and looks forward to your date from the outset. [Read:  The subtle art of flirting by touch and arousing a girl ] How to ask a girl out on a date Many guys find it difficult to know what to say or suggest when asking a girl out on a date, but w...

Work Husband and Work Wife: 13 Clear Signs You Have One Already

Who wouldn’t want to have that one person you confide in and complain with at work. That’s what we call having a work husband or work wife. Who honestly likes going to work every day, seeing the same people, listening to the same drama? This is where having a work spouse comes in handy. But what exactly is a work wife or work husband? Basically, it’s a deep friendship with someone you work with. Now, in theory, it’s a flawless idea. You have someone who acts as a spouse at work and then when the working day is done, you go home to your actual wife or husband. What could possibly go wrong? [Read:  10 signs your partner’s coworker is too close for comfort ] How to know if you have a work wife or work husband If any of you have seen the The Office, you already know a work spouse is very tricky. Sure, you have someone to rely on in the office, someone to confide in. They’re your emotional and professional rock—you’re a team. But when does it become too much? This partnership you ...

How to Respond to a Compliment: Accept It for What It Is Worth

Learning how to respond to a compliment means taking the good, reflecting the bad, and taking stock of how to use it to your advantage. As a kid, I hid under the table while people sang happy birthday to me. The one who felt awkward and shy when someone noticed me. I definitely negated any compliment anyone ever gave to me. If you are like me, learn better ways for how to respond to a compliment than to negate or ignore it. Compliments are meant to make you feel good and build your self-esteem. But, if you aren’t accepting them or deflect them, you do yourself a disservice and potentially offend the person who tries to make you feel good. Your response to a compliment is not only important to not offend the compliment giver but also to build your self-esteem. If someone compliments you, accept it, stick it in your pocket, and feel good someone noticed how fantastic you are. [Read: 11 powerful changes to build confidence and alter your life ] How to respond to a compliment It is na...

Too Much Sex? 15 Signs to Know if Your Sex Life is Well Balanced

Some couples have sex a few times a week, others multiple times a day. Would that be considered too much sex? Here’s the answer to that question. Sex is great. It’s important for the health and happiness of your relationship. It brings the two of you closer together, allows you to be intimate and vulnerable with one another, and it just feels good. Doesn’t that sound like something that you couldn’t possibly get enough of? But then again, too little or too much sex can be a subjective matter too. While many people think the more sex you have, the better, that’s not always the case. Sure, you should be having sex regularly in a healthy relationship, because it’s a time to be affectionate and connect with your partner. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a limit to when sex isn’t good for you anymore. Too little sex can be a problem On the flip side, not having enough sex can be an even bigger problem. Your relationship needs sex and physical affection. Without it, it’s really hard to ...

Getting Married Young: The Best Things About Marrying Young

Marriage brings great joy at any time in your life, but getting married young has its own unique challenges and joys. What can you expect? By DeMei Vaughan Anderson When we think about marriage, there are many feelings or ideas that come to mind. Some of us might have parents married for 50 years. Others may have dealt with the pain that comes along with divorce. There are a few of us that long to be married one day and a select few that might not see the point behind the ritual. But what about getting married young? As a young millennial woman, I know several young people who married early on in life. I was, myself, engaged at an early age. The truth is, there’s no perfect time to get hitched, and every person is going to have a different opinion about it. When it comes to getting married in your early 20s, it can be very rewarding and positive… if you’re truly ready to take it on. Getting married young – What can I look forward to? There are just as many upsides to getting ma...

Wife Material: What You Should Really be Looking For in a Woman

There’s tons of advice out there about choosing the right person for you, but this is what real wife material looks like. Find you a girl like this. Finding that one special woman to be your wife isn’t an easy task. You’ve probably dated a lot of different girls and just couldn’t make it work with them. But maybe that’s because you weren’t looking for a woman who’s wife material but rather, you were just looking for a good time. And there is a major difference between the two. While a woman who is wife material can certainly be super fun and a good time, the girl you look for JUST for a good time usually won’t make a great spouse. Making the decision to look for love instead of fun The truth is, love is also fun. The difference is the level of commitment required by love versus fun. If you truly want to find the woman you’ll spend forever with, you have to be ready to commit to that. You have to be ready to commit to something more than just the occasional romp whenever you call he...

13 Sensual Massage Techniques that’ll Leave Anyone Wanting More

Massaging your partner is sensual and sexy, but only if done right. Learn these sensual massage techniques and let your hands do the naughty talking! There are going to be times where you have to dish out a sensual massage, and you need to know all the right sensual massage techniques. In those moments, you’ll wish you had taken a Thai massage course at your local YMCA. Everyone loves getting a massage. When it comes to giving one we usually put in a couple minutes of mediocre handwork and then tell the person our hands are sore. I know how it works, it’s my go-to excuse when I give a back massage. Like honestly, who likes giving massages? Exactly. Mastering all the right sensual massage techniques Never mind, you don’t need to take a six-week course to learn how to give a massage. The most important thing you need is the will to want to give your partner a massage. If you have the will then you’ll find the way. This is why you’re here, right? You’re panicking, they’re co...

How to Make Someone Happy & Help Them Get Back Their Happy Spark

Cheering someone up is no easy task after a rough patch. If you want to know how to make someone happy, this is how to do it. Nobody’s life is going to be sunshine and rainbows all the time. We all go through rough patches and hard times that send us in a bout of depression and sadness. You’ve had times like that and so have those closest to you. Here is how to make someone happy, when life gets rough. It’s hard to be the person going through the rough time, but it’s also hard being the person that’s closest to someone walking through a hard time. You want to do whatever you can to make them happy again so you can get back to living your life normally again. Why you should always try to make someone happy Yes. You could be a person who just leaves someone to deal with their problems alone and never put forth any effort to make them feel better. However, you should always want to help those closest to you feel better and get past their trials and tribulations for many reasons. Firs...

How to Rekindle Love: 25 Ways to Spark Romance & Fall in Love Again

We want to stay in love forever, but few pay attention to the little things that matter most. Here’s how to rekindle love easily, and fall in love again. Being in a relationship or being in love is not easy. Some people believe two people are meant to be together for a night and others for a lifetime. But, if you find yourself in a relationship that feels like a flickering flame, there are ways to get it back on track and learn how to rekindle love that you felt from the start. [Read: How to fall back in love again ] How to rekindle love and light your relationship up again Some people say losing lust and attraction for one another is just a “normal” part of being in love. I don’t ascribe to that. If there is a willingness and desire for the fairytale romance that dreams are made of and the opening of your heart to vulnerability, then rekindling those love flames to a burning fire is not only possible, it is easier than you think. Knowing how to rekindle love is not a one and d...