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Showing posts from February, 2018


Why Being an Empath in a Relationship is a Blessing and a Curse

If you’re an empath, you understand the struggle. Being an empath in a relationship can be amazing… but it can also be really hard. Here’s why. Relationships are hard as it is. That’s just the way they work. Two people figuring out life together isn’t easy and being an empath in a relationship is even harder. You have a lot more to deal with and a lot more to learn as you both grow together. What is an empath? This can be a very confusing term. You probably think of empathy when seeing this and it’s very much the same thing. Empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and feel what they do as if you were going through the same thing. That’s pretty standard. But an empath is someone who can actually feel what someone else does. They feel for them so strongly it’s like they pick up on their emotions. And that means if you’re an empath, relationships can be quite the problem if there are negative emotions swirling around them. It can also be confusing because the m...

How to Be Less Clingy: 13 Ways to Avoid Being a Stage 5 Clinger

If your nickname is the “stage 5 clinger” we have a problem. Well, you have a problem, but we offer a solution to learn how to be less clingy. When we crush on someone, we tend to always magically be around them. But it’s time to find a healthy balance between showing your affection and giving them personal space. If you learn how to be less clingy, there’s no way that they won’t be into you. So, it’s time you learned how! Because there’s still a way to hang out with them without looking too clingy. Remember, you want to give them space to breathe and think about you without having you always by their side. You see where I’m going with this? Let’s drop that “stage 5 clinger” nickname. It doesn’t suit you. [Read: 8 signs you’re coming on way too strong ] How to be less clingy Of course, as someone who’s experienced their fair share of crushes, I know how this works. You know their schedule, you know where they hang out on the weekends or who their friends are. It’s not your fau...

How to be Good on Top and Ride Him Like the Sex Goddess You Are

If there’s one thing all girls should learn, it’s how to be good on top. Impressing a man and catching his attention in the bedroom can do a lot. Obviously, sex isn’t everything. You want to make sure you have a connection outside of the bedroom, too. But what will really make him have eyes for you and only you is how you can please him outside of and in the bedroom. That’s why learning how to be good on top is so important. It’s not so much about ONLY using your body to make him want to stay with you, but guys are very sexual beings. If you can get on top and rock his world, he’ll want that time and time again. Sex is really important for fostering a deeper connection in a relationship You probably know how important sex is in a relationship. Yes, having an emotional connection is just as important but without both, your relationship is basically doomed. But unlike an emotional connection, sex isn’t something that just clicks without effort. You have to work for it. And that mean...

45 Sexy Things to Say to Your Girlfriend to Make Her Feel Special

Want to make your girlfriend feel special? Tell her! Use these sexy things to say to your girlfriend, make her smile and fall more in love with you. Men grew up learning that the best way to express love and affection is by means of actions. However, there are moments in life where knowing a few sexy things to say to your girlfriend wouldn’t hurt either. Actions may speak louder than words, but a few sweet words on top of all your loving actions are the metaphorical cherry on the relationship cake. [Read: How to sweep your girlfriend off her feet ] Sexy things to say to your girlfriend It may sound so simple, but women have this affinity for words. They are creatures of communication. Women love to make their feelings known through words and crave for their partner to do the same. They confide when they are hurting, happy, or in love and at the same time, they want you to say what you feel or think about them. So while she’s happy with all the romantic stuff you do for her, spoil h...

How to Overcome Insecurity Issues and Reclaim Power Over Your Life

Don’t let your insecurities hold you down or from accomplishing your dreams. It’s time to fight back and learn how to overcome insecurity issues. Pushing yourself through obstacles and learning how to overcome insecurity issues not only makes you a strong person, but it shows you how much tougher you are then you actually think. So, if you read this then you know it’s time to work on yourself and battle your insecurities. [Read: 29 signs & ways to feel totally magnificent ] How to overcome insecurity issues High school was not a good time for me. I was a little chubby, dressed as a tomboy, and I didn’t have a real relationship until I was nineteen. I didn’t have the “hottest girl in school” experience as some people did. In fact, most of my high school experience I worried what people thought of me, if I could pull off wearing a dress, or if I would ever be kissed. Of course, those things happened but my insecurities allowed them to happen much later in life. See what insecurit...

How to Forget a Guy and Wipe His Face From Your Memory for Good

Getting over him probably isn’t easy. That’s why knowing how to forget a guy can help you move on and find yourself someone better. We all have that one – or far more than one – guy who is seemingly just stuck in our mind. It’s like his face has been engrained in our skulls and we can’t stop thinking about him. This is even more likely if you’ve just been through a nasty breakup and want to know how to forget a guy. It seems the more we want to forget them, the stronger those memories become. Not only is this really annoying, it makes the process of moving on take a hell of a lot longer. Is forgetting a guy really the best idea? A lot of people think the idea of forgetting someone isn’t healthy because it’s just shoving those thoughts down time and time again until they can’t stay below the surface any longer. But that’s just not true. Just because you’re forgetting about a guy doesn’t mean you’re harboring resentment or harmful feelings. It just means you’re choosing to let that ...

Analingus: A Walkthrough & Total Guide to Eating Ass Like a Champ

It wasn’t too long ago when people would cringe at the thought of eating ass. But now, people are jumping on board to try out analingus. Sure, you may have heard about ass eating or properly known as analingus. However, for years it’s been a taboo sexual activity. And, for obvious reasons, I understand why people would be unsure about performing or receiving analingus. We all have an anus and we all know what goes on down there. Things are supposed to go out not in… if you get me. Thus, it’s normal for people to be turned off or insecure by the idea of analingus. But, alas, the times have changed and now people are jumping on board and giving analingus a try. [Read: The yummy checklist to eating booty like a boss ] Analingus: How to eat ass the right way With its sudden popularity into mainstream sexual activities, you’re probably curious. But, you know there are some things you want to do before performing analingus, right? These tips I’m going to share with you will help you make...

12 Unwritten Work Spouse Rules to Keep Things Fun & Uncomplicated

A work spouse is the best! They make life a ton more fun—as long as you stick to the rules. Want to know more about work spouse rules? Read on to find out! While a work spouse is great fun, it’s important to learn those unwritten work spouse rules that both parties should stick to and ensure the friendship is a lasting and successful one, and that everyone remains on the same page. What is a work spouse? Having a work spouse can be lots of fun and brighten up an otherwise dull day in the office. A work spouse is someone who works with you and with whom you have a close relationship. The relationship isn’t physical, though can get flirty at times. They act more like your favorite person in the office who you rely on and spend most of your time with. Lots of people have a work spouse, because we spend so much time with the same group of people day in, day out. At work, we find those we get on with best and gravitate towards them. People spend on average around 40 hours a week at work...

15 Things to Do When You Miss Your Boyfriend & Can’t Talk to Him

It’s really hard to sit there and do nothing when you miss your boyfriend. Being able to connect in some way is better than basking in your misery. For whatever reason, you can’t be with your man all the time. Maybe you have a long distance relationship or maybe you just have conflicting schedules and can’t get together as much. Knowing what to do when you miss your boyfriend but can’t actually reach him can keep you satiated until you can. Freaking out and going nuts with desire for him just isn’t an option. But sometimes that need to see or talk to him gets to be too much. As someone who has been in a long distance relationship, I get it. That being said, there are ways to get through it with ease. Missing your significant other is a normal part of a relationship You can’t be together 24/7. Not only is that unhealthy, but any couple spending that much time together would get sick of each other. You have to be able to spend time apart even when you’re in a relationship. Maintaini...

Martyr Complex: How to Recognize and Stop Self-Inflicted Martyrdom

Martyrdom isn’t always a selfless thing. The martyr complex unconsciously leaves you searching for acceptance from others that won’t be found. Women are often pleasers by nature. Some of us more than others! We have empathy and compassion possibly more heightened than our male counterparts. Most of us put our family, friends, and even stranger’s needs ahead of our own, choosing to be the martyr. When you think of a martyr complex, you likely think of just one definition. In reality, there are many. What is a martyr? A martyr, according to Merriam-Webster , is “a person who is killed or who suffers greatly for a religion, cause, etc.” Another definition, which is not so empathetic or complimentary, is “a person who pretends to suffer or who exaggerates suffering in order to get sympathy.” Additionally, I think there is one more nuanced definition of the martyr complex because it is something much more complicated. Those of us who suffer, always sacrificing ourselves, do so with dual...

How to Give a Hickey: Bring Back the Once Taboo Symbol of Fun Sex

Hickeys get a bad reputation. But if you know how to give a hickey the right way, they can be extremely sexy and erotic. Here’s how to do it. Remember those days when we thought people with hickeys were cool? That they were having way more fun making out with hot people and all the good stuff we couldn’t do just yet? They became a symbol of adulthood, really. But now not everyone even know how to give a hickey. Because they became taboo for a while. People wrote them off as trashy and disgusting. But in reality, they’re a really fun, sexy way of getting intimate with your partner. Once taboo things can be really sexy nowadays The truth is that everyone likes different stuff. Not everyone will like hickeys while others will completely love them. You really have to figure out what things that were once considered taboo you want to give a try. And even stuff that’s still considered “naughty.” Because you never know what will be the one thing that gets you going the most. The stuff th...

Mars and Venus? 13 Obvious Gender Differences in Communication

They say men are from Mars and women are from Venus, but is this really true? Are there truly gender differences in communication? If you’ve argued with the opposite sex then you know automatically men and women are different. And this especially is seen in gender differences in communication. For women, we don’t understand why men are not talkative when expressing their feelings. For men, they don’t understand how a woman can constantly talk about her feelings. As a woman, I feel the need to defend us here—talking about your emotions is healthy! But, of course, as you already see, we’re different. Does this make one gender better than the other? Absolutely not. Different doesn’t have to mean it’s bad. [Read: 30 vital answers to what makes a good relationship ] The 13 big gender differences in communication If you consider going into a relationship or wonder how to solve an issue with someone of the opposite sex, the best way to approach these things is looking at it through their...

How to Make a Woman Happy: 15 Simple Things that Matter Most to Her

The best thing a man can learn is how to make a woman happy. Although it might seem tricky to you, it’s a lot less complicated than you think. As much as you like to think us ladies are complicated, foreign beings, we’re really not. In fact, a lot of what makes you happy will definitely make us happy. The thing that’s difficult to get around is that understanding barrier between men and women. But once you figure that out you can easily learn how to make a woman happy. A lot of it has to do with listening, of course. But even then, men might not be able to pick up on the subtle hints women give them. That’s completely fine if you’re willing to put in the work to figure out women truly want. Once you know how to make a woman happy, it’s basically game over Many women spend too much time trying to get their significant others to learn how to make them happy. If you know that right off the bat, she’ll be over the moon. That alone will make her happier than you can imagine. Because us...