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Showing posts from May, 2018


How to Let a Guy Know You’re Interested without Appearing Overeager

You spend hours sitting in class staring at the guy you like. That won’t get you very far. It’s time to learn how to let a guy know you’re interested. Sometimes guys can be so oblivious to the signs that it gets frustrating. Girls, you know what I’m talking about. But listen, maybe you’re just not showing the right signs. Learning how to let a guy know you’re interested in a way that they’ll understand and respect is key. Drooling over them definitely shows you like them but probably won’t work out for you in the long run. I’m speaking from experience. Trust me on that. [Read: How to be a tease and let a guy know you like him ] How to let a guy know you’re interested No one said it was easy telling someone how you feel about them. You have no idea how many times I’ve told someone I liked them and was turned down. And, from each rejection, rather than deciding that I would never tell anyone I like them ever again, I kept going. What’s the big deal? You tell them you like them, ...

How to Get Over a Friend with Benefits without Catching Feelings

Being friends with benefits is much more complicated than it sounds. When it ends, what do you do? This is how to get over a friend with benefits. FWB or friends with benefits is a term that sounds so simple. You are friends but have some extra sexual benefits on the side. It seems harmless. But there is a reason this does not usually work out. But no one tells you how to get over a friend with benefits. Most people don’t take their friends with benefits until death do you part. It can be hard to remain friends after having been together sexually. It can be work to turn on and off a platonic relationship. When you are close with someone, even in a platonic sense, sex has a way of making things more complicated. Even if you don’t have romantic feelings, sex releases chemicals in the brain that can make you think those feelings are there. So although it can be enjoyable, it is inevitable that it won’t last. [Read:  10 surefire ways to stay friends after having sex ] Time is up on...

What are Daddy Issues? 15 Ways to Identify Their Telling Presence

What are daddy issues? Daddy issues are mentioned in nearly every film with women, and men that want those women, but there’s more to it than that. What are daddy issues? Well, they are feared by many women, and sought after by many men *it’s gross, I know*. Not sure what the term means? Well, let us unpack it a moment, shall we? Daddy – clearly the “most important” male figure in any child’s life. Typically, the man that biologically is the child’s father. However, sometimes this is not true. Issues – A problem. Actually, several problems. Now let’s combine the two together: Problems with the child’s father. It sounds so simple, but I promise you that it goes a lot deeper than this. What are daddy issues? Basically, they are issues that a woman has developing and withstanding romantic relationships in her adult life, based on the poor relationship she had with her father. Sound like you? Because same. [Read: How certain father-taught dynamics can lead to daddy issues ] What ...

What to Wear on a First Date: The Men’s Must-Know Guide to Impress

You pay more attention to what women are wearing, but you’re forgetting they also check you out. So, here’s your guide for what to wear on a first date. To some men, fashion is important. Looking good comes second nature to them. Those are the guys that usually intimidate me, to be honest. I mean, half the time they come looking better than me. *I like weird clothes, what can I say?* But then there are those guys who don’t know what to wear on a first date. Now, this isn’t their fault. They probably never had someone around them who was always looking sharp, or they just don’t know how to dress for their body type. Whatever the reason, they have no style. [Read: The big dos and don’ts of real attractiveness ] What to wear on a first date Now, some women say they don’t care. However, we all know that that is complete bullshit. When we see a man, we’re scanning them from head to toe. Looking at their shoes, their hair, if they have stains on their clothing. These clues show you a...

20 Really Bad Pickup Lines You’d Be Crazy to Use in Real Life

There are so many options within the English language to create great pickup lines, yet somehow people are still using these really bad pickup lines. I feel like a lot of people use really bad pickup lines as a joke, just to their close friends. I know that I do, anyway. Maybe I’m wrong, but I would hope that most people wouldn’t dare try one of these pickup lines in a real-life situation. That would just be a bad idea. Listen guys, as your friend *yes, we’re all friends here*, I’m telling you the absolute truth: These pickup lines are like a train wreck waiting to happen. They aren’t going to work. And if you make them work, I salute you because you are truly a god. One time a guy messaged me on Tinder with a massive message, like we’re talking approximately 300 words, and it was our first interaction. The message was this massively elaborate story of how we would meet for coffee, start dating, fall in love, get married and have kids, and then I would inevitably cheat on him with a...

10 Early Signs of a Possessive Man You’d Never Want to Overlook

Relationships require partnership, not ownership. So, if you notice these early signs of a possessive man, it is better to get out before it gets bad. In the past, men did actually own women in a way. From owning property to having a say over what they did and more. But women have come far in our liberation. Apparently some men still don’t realize women and men are equals. One cannot own the other. Or act as if he does. Watch out for these early signs of a possessive man, it’s pretty easy to know for sure once you know just what to keep an eye on. Why are some men so possessive? Does it really matter? When a man acts as if he has this right to control you, he isn’t worth trying to figure out. Maybe he is insanely jealous due to trust issues or is afraid of abandonment. Does that excuse possessive behavior? No. Yes, he may have some baggage, but that is not your concern. If he doesn’t realize that the way he is behaving is wrong, sexist, and horribly outdated, he doesn’t deserve you...

How to Tell Your Crush You Like Him and Make All the Right Moves

Something that has scared us from childhood right into adulthood is learning how to tell your crush you like him. Unfortunately, it never gets easier. Learning how to tell your crush you like him might sound juvenile, but no matter how old you get, you will always be interested in someone, and at some point, you have to tell him. OR, the alternative is avoiding social interaction altogether. But, as we discussed—this is not realistic, and I do not recommend this option *as much as some days I absolutely wish this was a feasible option*. When we were 10 and needed to tell our crushes that we liked them, we got our friends to do it, while we cowered in the corner of the school yard. WHY CAN’T WE STILL DO THIS!? It worked out fine didn’t it? We don’t need social interaction, do we? Heck no. Okay, sorry, I got a little bit carried away there. [Read: 18 decoded body language signs that reveal if your crush likes you ] How to tell your crush you like him As uncomfortable as social intera...

When A Guy Starts Acting Different: What You Need to Do About It

So, you’ve been dating for a while and out of the blue your boyfriend’s behavior has changed. When a guy starts acting different, how do you react? Figuring out how to navigate even the most basic relationship issues can be difficult, so when a guy starts acting different you are likely to be super confused. Do you act normal and hope he goes back to how he was? Ask him what’s up? Or do you snoop? When maneuvering this situation, there is not a one size fits all solution. Depending on your style, your boyfriend’s behavior, and your history, what comes next can vary. Different behaviors can mean different things Before I get into advising you, I have one prerequisite for everyone. Do NOT jump to conclusions. You do not know why his behavior is changing. It could be stress. It could be nerves or anxiety, or it could be something wonderful. Or it could be bad news. But worrying, stressing, and assuming you know what his change in behavior is about is not the way to handle it. What t...

Sleeping with Someone New for the First Time? 13 Must-Follow Rules

Sleeping with someone new for the first time can be either a hit or miss but follow these tips for worry free fun. It’ll be a hit every time. Don’t try to have your sex life at the same level of the scenes you see in movies. It’s not real, first of all. What you need to focus on is the sex you’ll have with this new person. You want it, they want it. It should be good then… right? Well, I’m going to give you these tips and rules that you can follow when you’re sleeping with someone new for the first time. These tips help smooth the path and get you having good sex with your new partner in no time. Sleeping with someone new for the first time When you have sex with someone new for the first time, it can be hard. Of course, there are moments when you meet someone, and everything just seems to click into place. Other times it’s really awkward and uncomfortable. I can already think of one or two experiences which I forgot until now—thanks for the reminder. But all jokes aside, I know ve...

How to Describe Love: The Different Kinds and How to Decipher Them

It’s in all of the songs you listen to, the movies and shows you watch, and the books you read, but when asked how to describe love, how would you do it? It is by far not the easiest word to describe. It’s not like defining a blade of grass, or a teacup. Love is an emotion, a state of being. How to describe love when you cannot see or touch it? I feel like this is something we all struggle with when we are young because loving someone outside of our family is a new concept. What does love feel like? How will I know when I’m in love? Do I really love them? How to describe love Unfortunately, nobody can answer these questions for you. And you might end up feeling like you love somebody, until years later, when you really do fall in love. You may look back and realize you never loved that person at all. Personally, I dated a couple of guys in high school that I swore I loved, but then I started dating my current boyfriend *three years strong! Yay!*, and I look back and was like “Wow,...

How to Tell a Guy You Love Him and Create a Memorable Moment

Falling in love is a beautiful part of life, but it can also be terrifying. What’s even scarier can be determining how to tell a guy you love him. I used to think the most difficult thing to do in love was determining whether or not you were in love. That is, until I had to tell my significant other that I loved him. I never thought I would struggle with how to tell a guy you love him. Because in high school I dated a couple of guys, that at the time , I thought I loved. I actually threw that word around like it was “hello” or “goodbye.” So, when I entered into what would become my first serious long-term relationship, it never occurred to me I might find it difficult to tell my boyfriend that I loved him. When the time came, I actually broke down in tears. I think he thought that he had done something to upset me—but on the contrary, he had the opposite. He showed me what it was like to be in a loving relationship, where my partner cared for and supported me and my decisions. I lo...

How to Find Yourself Again After a Seriously Low Point in Life

In moments where it feels like the rug has been pulled beneath your feet, it is easy to feel lost and unmotivated. This is how to find yourself again. A breakup, the loss of a loved one, career failure, and financial difficulties, these are just some life events that make anyone feel helpless and lost in life. When a person is in their life’s lowest point, getting back up takes some time and proves to be difficult. This is how to find yourself again. And if left to fester, that sense of helplessness makes a person vulnerable to further isolation and depression. [Read: How to reclaim power over your life ] How to find yourself again That is why we constantly are reminded that if we “fall seven times, get up eight.” Challenges are a fact of life. It is unavoidable. Once you hit rock bottom, the only way is to pick yourself up, find your bearings, and start moving again. And if by chance things get better, you look back and realize the journey is well worth it. #1 It is okay to take ...