Getting over a crush is not always easy, but with time and patience, you can learn how to stop having a crush on someone. Having a crush can really just drive you nuts sometimes. Even though you may not know this person well, you can’t stop thinking about them and it could be getting in the way of your everyday life. If you’ve been feeling this way, you’re ready to learn how to stop having a crush on someone, and move on! Whether this person is involved with someone, is an inappropriate choice, or isn’t interested in you, you can stop a crush in its tracks. All you need is a bit of focus. Why you need to stop having a crush on someone As I mentioned, crushes can be overwhelming. And although you may think it is harmless to garner feelings for someone, a crush can get out of hand, especially if this is a person you can’t pursue. Perhaps they are in a relationship, are your boss, or just not a logical match for you; in that case you need to actively stop having a crush in order to m...