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Showing posts from February, 2019


15 Signs He Thinks About You a Lot Even if He’s Playing It Cool

You have feelings for this guy, but do you know the signs he thinks about you a lot? Are you the one on his mind? Well, commit these signs to memory! You’ve probably wondered if you’re on your crush’s mind as much as they’re on yours. We all want to know how much someone really  thinks about us. I mean, we’re only human. It’s a natural thing to ask yourself, which is why these 15 signs he thinks about you a lot is just what you need to know. How to read the signs he thinks about you a lot Even when things are going really well with a guy, you want to know he’s enjoying his time with you. For me, this was always a problem. I spent so much time trying to make a guy feel good, I wasn’t looking at the signs that he was thinking about me. Reality? He was having a good time. I was just too busy planning the next step to see it. You don’t want to do that. [Read:  17 signs you’re being benched and strung along by a guy you like ] Now I know you’re thinking, “Why should I waste my ...

Empathy Fatigue: The Guilt-Free Guide to Recognize & Overcome It

The ability to help others is something we should all embrace, but what happens when it gets too much? That’s when empathy fatigue can set in. We’re told from a very young age that if we can help someone in pain or in need, we should do it. When we see a friend struggling with an emotional problem, we want them to talk to us, we want to listen and help them feel better. This is a natural part of life and something we should be proud of. The problem is, what if you become everyone’s confidant, what if you’re so good at listening and giving advice that everyone comes to you? Well, welcome to the world of empathy fatigue. Before we go too deep, do you think that’s a good situation or a bad one? You can look at it from both sides. Firstly, it’s great people trust you and feel you can help. That should make you feel good. Secondly however, there is only so much empathy you can show and give, before you start to feel like your own needs aren’t being met, and that you’re basically an emoti...

The Smoothest Smooth Pick-Up Lines & How to Impress Girls with Them

You want to make a move on a girl you fancy, but you’re not sure how to approach her. What you need are smooth pick-up lines. And I have a few for you. As a woman, I know all there is to know about smooth pick-up lines and the not-so-smooth. Women are constantly approached by men. Whether we’re at the park walking our dog, at the library, or at the bar. Wherever we are, there’s a high chance we’re going to be hit on. Now is this a bad thing? It depends who you ask. Some women like being approached by men and other women do not. Usually, women who aren’t in favor have had bad experiences with men. Maybe the men that hit on them were too aggressive or the pick-up lines were vomit-worthy. Either way, none of those guys succeeded in getting any numbers, and if they did, I’d be surprised if they were real numbers. [Read:  13 rules of etiquette for the modern gentleman ] Approaching women the right way I know it takes balls to approach a woman. Think of it like this—you’re only one ...

What Is One-Sided Love? How to Cope When You’re Not Loved Back

One-sided love does not sound pleasant, does it? So, how do you handle the pain of one-sided love and find yourself again? What is one-sided love? Essentially it is love, but only from one side. Duh. One-sided love is love, but not in the way we know and love. It is not happy and full of sunshine and rainbows. One-sided love is commonly unrequited love and is met with pain and loneliness. I know, it sounds bad. One-sided love is when you pine for someone who is in a relationship. You aren’t over your ex, but they moved on. It is when you are happy in your relationship, but your partner is ready to leave. Pretty much, if you haven’t realized it already, one-sided love sucks. [Read: A guide to help you move on when you aren’t loved in return ] Do you have one-sided love? Sometimes we do not even realize we have one-sided love. Love, as we know, can be blind. We can see things that are there or even things we wish were there. It can be so overpowering we think it conquers all, but wh...

When She Doesn’t Text Back: Why Girls Do That & What You Need to Do

Every man will find that one girl who won’t text or call him back. Here’s what you need to do to get a response when she doesn’t text back. What can I say? Love works in mysterious ways. You may be thinking you’re connecting with a woman you’re talking to, but you just never know. Sure, she gave you her number, but was it genuine interest or because she felt bad? You text her, and she doesn’t respond. Well, what’s a guy to do when she doesn’t text back? Let’s dive in head first! As a woman, I can tell you one thing—you never really know. Women are strange creatures. But then again, don’t think guys are innocent. You’ve been known to simply stop texting and ghost us. So, I think it’s fair to say both sexes suffer from the “no text back” situation. It’s happened to me plenty of times. It’s frustrating, annoying, and definitely confusing. But don’t spend too much time thinking about it. It’s not worth it. Here are a few reasons why she may not be texting back. [Read: Realistic reason...

How to Stop Being Taken for Granted in a Relationship: 15 Strong Ways

Enough is enough you’re thinking, but you don’t know what to do. Here is how to stop being taken for granted in a relationship. Sometimes we must overlook our feelings of being taken for granted and put our partner’s needs first. It is a part of compromising. But learning how to stop being taken for granted in a relationship plays a big part once you realize that you’re the one one doing all the giving. I am sure at some point or another, we all feel taken for granted in a relationship. Maybe our partner doesn’t thank us for what we do around the house or how we support them. As much as it sucks, it is normal for it to happen time and again. Maybe your partner has a super busy month at work or something is going on with their family. But, once it gets to be the norm and being taken for granted in a relationship is starting to feel more like being ignored or unappreciated, you need to shut that down. But, how? [Read: 12 big, yet subtle signs you are being taken for granted ] Why ar...

How to Make Anal Sex Less Painful: A Happy Bum Guide to Pain-Free Sex

Anal sex always gets a bad rap, but that’s only because people aren’t doing it right. It’s time to find out how to make anal sex less painful. If you’re thinking about having anal sex for the first time or if you’ve had it before but want a more pleasurable experience, you need to understand how to make anal sex less painful. There’s no other way around it. Sure, use trial and error, but no one will have fun during the process. So, that’s why I’m here. I want happy bums worldwide. It’s time you come prepared with the knowledge and tools for a mind-blowing anal sex adventure. In other words, lube. But there are also some other helpful tips to know. How to make anal sex less painful Ah yes, the ever-so-mysterious anal sex. When it comes to sex, it’s supposed to make you feel good. You’re supposed to feel relaxed and connected to your partner while having your mind blown away. [Read: This is how you can make your sex more enjoyable ] When it comes to anal sex, people automatically be...

How to Tell Your Crush You Like Them: 15 Smart & Safe Ways that Work

Telling anyone something personal makes you feel vulnerable. So, learning how to tell your crush you like them without too much fear is a must-have. Learning how to tell your crush you like them is necessary if you ever want to move from the pining stage to the dating stage, or moving on stage, depending on how it all pans out. Rejection is an awful feeling, and if you have ever felt it before, you do not want to feel it ever again. Without taking that risk, how will you ever move forward or find out if your crush likes you back? You won’t. There are a lot of scary things in this world. Snakes, high-calorie foods, your mother’s opinions, but telling your crush you like them is terrifying. [Read: How to tell if someone likes you without asking them ] How to tell your crush you like them without nerves I’ll be honest, telling your crush you like them will always include some sort of nerves, but hopefully, with my tips, you can work up the confidence to do it without wanting to barf....

One Night Stand Advice: 15 Rules to Make Your Hookup Go A Lot Better

A one night stand sounds simple, doesn’t it? Well, in reality, they can be awkward, confusing, and complicated. Need some one night stand advice? One night stands are pretty darn common. You’d think they are simple. In reality, they can be pretty darn confusing too. Meeting someone new is awkward enough. Toss sex into the mix and awkward becomes super awkward and leaves you wishing for one night stand advice. But, there is a way to make a one night stand what it is. You can make it simple, fun, and safe. You just have to know how. Do you need one night stand advice? Whether you have had a one night stand before or not, you might be wondering if there is a way to do it well. Although everyone’s preferences differ, a one night stand can be a great night of passion without the second-guessing, awkwardness, or expectations. [Read: 13 sure ways to find a one-night stand and get them in bed ] But, do you actually need help? If you have had a one night stand before, how was it? Did you l...

15 Fun & Romantic Things to Do as a Couple that are Budget-Friendly

Does a date with your partner mean watching Netflix on the couch while eating popcorn? There are better things to do as a couple that will build romance. Listen, Netflix has been a game changer on the things to do as a couple front. Sure, you could go grab dinner and a movie out, but why? Now, there’s delivery and an endless selection of films you’ve probably seen already. What’s not to love? But listen, even though it sounds appealing *I get it, staying home and saving money is always appealing* there are other things you can be doing with your partner. Does this mean you need to dish out $$ every time you step outside? No. I know people are tight with budgets. Aren’t we all? But this doesn’t mean you need to lock yourself inside your home with your partner. All this means is that you need to get creative. [Read: Creatively cheap and low cost date ideas ] Things to do as a couple My partner and I have been together for a year. Trust me, we’ve burned through our wallets. In the be...