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Showing posts from April, 2019


Casual Dating vs Serious Dating: What’s Your Dating Speed for Now?

We live in a world with various dating options. Two of the most common are casual dating vs serious dating. But both have their ups and downs. Casual dating vs serious dating, where do you land? It’s important to enter the dating world with an idea of what you’re looking for. Not everyone feels ready for a serious relationship. Provided you’re open and honest about it with the person you’re seeing, there is no harm in enjoying casual dating. If you’re seeing someone who clearly wants a relationship, keeping things light and casual isn’t going to work. The only way to navigate these choppy dating waters is by having an adult conversation. Yes, you need to have the ‘where is this going?’ talk. Terrifying indeed. [Read: 10 definite signs you need to have the relationship talk ] Honest communication matters The problem is, most people try to avoid this conversation completely. It adds pressure, makes things awkward, and figuring out the right time to have it can be difficult. You don’...

Sex-Positive Movement: What It Is & What We Wrongly Assume About It

You may have heard about the sex-positive movement, but do you really know what it’s about? If you don’t, you’re about to find out what it actually is. When it comes to defining terms, it can always be a bit tricky. Everyone has their own definition of what sex positivity or what the sex-positive movement is. Some people think it’s about the right to safe sex, while others think it’s about accepting one’s sexual behavior. Though these aren’t wrong, it’s time to get the actual definition of what it means. Sex positivity is the belief of consensual sexual expression in a safe and healthy environment. In addition, it also advocates exploring gender norms, self-care, body positivity, and sex education. In other words, it’s about creating healthy relationships with ourselves and the people we have sex with. Like a ripple effect, it changes the way we all look at sex. [Read: How to fall in love with the sexy side of you ] 10 things the sex-positive movement is not You may be thinking t...

How to Get Really Wet Fast by Yourself: A Dry Girl’s Wet Guide

Knowing how to get really wet fast by yourself isn’t easy as it sounds. Whether it’s vaginal dryness or you’re not in the mood, there are ways to get wet. Everyone thinks the vagina can get wet with just the snap of a finger—which is entirely wrong. I mean, yes, some women can get wet quickly, but there are many women who suffer from vaginal dryness or a low sex drive. Understanding how to get really wet fast by yourself is essential knowledge for most women. The vagina is not a continuous waterfall. It has its limits. When I’m hanging out in bed with my partner, even though he’s making all the right moves, sometimes I’m not getting as wet as I could be. Sometimes, I’m not in the mood. Other times I have no idea what’s going on down there. How to get really wet fast by yourself And when it comes to the vagina, if you want to have comfortable and enjoyable sex, then you’re going to need to make sure it’s wet. Vaginal lubrication occurs naturally when blood flows towards the genital...

14 Casual Dating Rules that Make or Break Every Casual Relationship

Just because you have needs doesn’t necessarily mean you want anything serious. So, it’s time to brush up on the casual dating rules. Casual dating is great. Casual dating rules make it better. Because sometimes you just don’t want to be in a serious relationship. But you want to spend time with someone and have sex—casually. There’s nothing wrong with that. In recent years, casual dating has become wildly popular. Not everyone is ready for something serious. If you work a lot or focused on school and exams, having a serious relationship isn’t on the top of your mind. So, this is where a casual relationship comes into play. [Read: 15 reasons why casual dating is the best ever ] Casual dating rules you need to know I’ve been in a couple of casual relationships, and I can tell you one thing: you must have rules. I know, I know. You don’t want to have rules, but you must . Do you want this casual relationship to work? Or do you want to end up heartbroken in a relationship you decided...

How to Tell if a First Date Went Well: 15 Signs You Want to See

First dates are nerve-wracking—before, during, and after! If you wonder how to tell if a first date went well, let’s explore the 15 signs you WANT to see. Whether you’re a seasoned dater or not, first dates are terrifying. You’re not sure what to say, you’re worried about the impression you’ll make. What if the entire thing is terrible and awkward? The other side of the coin is wondering how to tell if a first date went well. Dating can be a minefield of awkward silences and second guesses. Learning the signs to look for, you can give yourself a heads up, and avoid panicking about nothing! [Read:  14 signs you’re unintentionally ruining your first date ] How to tell if a first date went well If you’re about to go on a first date, be clued in on how to tell if a first date went well. This stops you analyzing everything into oblivion when you return home. Bonus, it puts you at ease during the date. Here are 15 ways to be sure either way. #1 You immediately felt comfortable....

13 Signs of a Relationship of Convenience Masquerading as Love

Just because two people are in a relationship doesn’t mean it’s for the right reasons. Are there signs of a relationship of convenience or true love? People go into relationships for so many reasons. Of course, we all wish to experience genuine feelings of love for each other. Sometimes it’s not the case. People feel lonely and just want to have someone. Other people want the status of having a partner. Do you see signs of a relationship of convenience in your life? Now, I’m not judging because I think we’ve all had these moments where we just wanted to be with someone without really caring about who the other person was. In high school, I wanted a boyfriend so badly, I didn’t really care who the guy was. I just wanted to know what it would feel like to be with someone. That being said, I didn’t date anyone until I was eighteen. 13 signs of a relationship of convenience There comes a moment where you have to be real with yourself and dig deep to figure out what you want from your l...

How to Enjoy Being Single and Live the Life You Really Want to Live

Singledom is not a punishment. It is not something to dread or mourn. You can learn how to enjoy being single and own your independence. Learning how to enjoy being single is not as hard as it sounds. There is this huge misconception that being single is the worst thing you can be. Our extended family, rom-coms, and novels constantly remind us that the sign of happiness and fulfillment in life is having a partner. Sure, a relationship can add to your life, but that is not the only way to be happy, fulfilled, or successful. Although we are forced to dream about the perks of a relationship, there are so many perks of the single life that are often underrated and overlooked. [Read: What people fear the most about being single ] The benefits of learning how to enjoy being single When I say you can enjoy being single, that does not mean you have to accept that you will always be single. It does not mean that is a choice you made and you can’t go back on it. All I mean is you can be ha...

What Is the Mile High Club: Is It On Your Sexual Bucket List?

For some, travel isn’t all about getting from A to B. Prepare to have your eyes fully opened with answers to your question: what is the mile high club? If you wonder, what is the mile high club, don’t get it confused with the airline miles and rewards. Travel is a wonderful thing, and we now have more opportunities than ever before to visit some of the most beautiful destinations on the planet. When you board a plane, what are you thinking? Are you wondering whether you left the gas on at home? Are you panicking about how to find your hotel when you arrive at your destination? Or, are you looking forward to a snooze until you land at the other end? Not everyone has these concerns, in fact there are far more people than you might realize who become a little, shall we say, excited at the thought of jetting off? This excitement isn’t about looking forward to two weeks on a beach, it’s about getting busy on the plane! Yes, many people love to travel because it means they can enter the ...

How to Fix a One-Sided Relationship Before It Ends in Failure

If you’re the one doing all the running, it’s time for an intervention before the end is nigh. Read on if you wonder how to fix a one-sided relationship. Are you always the one to text first or who suggests dates and nights out? Do you have the niggling feeling that you’re invested in this relationship more than your partner? If so, my friend, you’re in the midst of a one-sided relationship. You’re probably wondering how to fix a one-sided relationship. One-sided relationships can be extremely damaging and upsetting for the person who is doing all the giving, while the other is take, take, take. Nobody wants to feel undervalued or not cared for. If that’s what a relationship is meant to feel like, why would anyone actually want to be in one in the first place? No, relationships are supposed to be equal. Okay, on certain days you might give a little more and your partner might do the same on another day, but that’s just life. When the imbalance seems to be a permanent or ongoing thin...

15 Real Reasons Why She’s Not Emotionally Ready for a Relationship

You may be ready for a relationship, but who says she is? You just weren’t watching out for the signs she’s not emotionally ready for a relationship. I can already see some men’s shock at the title. What do you mean she’s not emotionally ready for a relationship?! This isn’t a movie, fellas. She’s not just going to forget the man she’s been dating for five years and jump happily into your arms. Okay, she may jump into your arms, but that doesn’t mean she’s emotionally ready for a relationship. You want a girl who’s going to be in a relationship with you for you, right? Right. There’s no other answer to that question or else it would just be casual sex, but it’s not, it’s something more serious. How to tell she’s not emotionally ready for a relationship We all tend to like other people who appear to be emotionally unavailable. Okay, maybe I’m speaking from experience. Back in the day, I loved chasing people who were emotionally unavailable. It was like cracking a code. [Read: The ...

How to Ask Your Crush Out: A Guide to Fix the Jitters & Make a Move

Are you wondering how to ask your crush out? Wonder no more, here are some helpful tips on how to ask your crush out successfully. Asking anyone out is tough. But learning how to ask your crush out will make nerves run even higher. This is someone you have feelings for and the fear of rejection is amped up. I know the feeling. You are probably sweating a bit. You try to build up the nerve to ask them out but when you’re around them the time doesn’t seem right or you just lose the courage. This is a universal problem.  Even people with great levels of confidence struggle when it comes to knowing how to ask your crush out. Why learning how to ask your crush out is so hard On the surface, it sounds like asking your crush out should be easy or at least straightforward enough. But, the thing about asking out your crush is that you are showing your feelings. Even if you don’t come right out and say you are interested, it is implied. And with that implication comes vulnerability. This...

Real Talk: Being Friends with an Ex You Still Love a Possibility?

Breakups are messy things, but is it possible to go from lovers to being friends with an ex you still love? It’s certainly tricky… but can it be done? The burning question we often have post-breakup… Is being friends with an ex you still love really possible, without harboring hopes of a reconciliation? Some say yes, some say no. I personally think it depends on whether you’ve come to terms with the end of the relationship, and it’s cemented in your mind that it truly is over. If you harbor feelings, you’ll always secretly hope that things change. If your ex meets someone new, it’s going to devastate you once more. In that case, perhaps friendship isn’t the best option for your heart and soul. When a relationship ends… When a relationship ends, whether amicably or otherwise, there are all manner of complicated and confusing emotions flying around. It can be hard to really pinpoint the way you’re feeling. If you’ve been together a long time, it’s almost like grieving the end of an e...