Believe me, it’s definitely not you, it’s him! Learn how to recognize and deal with the narcissistic boyfriend who has stolen your heart. Are you dealing with a narcissistic boyfriend and wondering what to do? Love is a complicated thing. It’s rarely straightforward, never like in the movies. And Disney films? Don’t get me started! I grew up thinking some guy was going to turn up at my door on a horse, and sweep me away to live in a palace. Yes, I was deluded because in most countries that would be classed as kidnapping. And, no, he never turned up. What I got instead was something altogether different. I sometimes wonder why that prince never came my way, but for a while I did think I’d actually met him. It turns out he was a frog, actually no, a toad. Whatever breed of amphibian he was, he was certainly no prince. [Read: 16 clear signs you’re in a narcissistic relationship ] Welcome Mr. Narcissist You’ve probably heard the word ‘narcissist’ over the last couple of ...