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Showing posts from September, 2019


16 Subtle Signs He Wants to Make a Move on You and Ask You Out

You’re not sure what’s going on between you two. Everything you need is right in front of you. Time to pay attention to the signs he wants to make a move. When it comes to guys, they can be a wee bit confusing. But let’s be honest with ourselves—they’re not that complicated. Rather, we make the situation dramatic and complicated. In reality, we’re not paying attention to the real signs he wants to make a move. You know, the signs that will give you the answer. And that’s partly because most of the time, we don’t want to know the actual answer. Why? Because what if it’s not the answer we were looking for? But isn’t it better to know where you stand with a guy, so you stop wasting your time? The answer is yes. Even though I know you’re cringing a bit; you deserve the truth. [Read:  How to get your crush to like you back ] How to tell the signs he wants to make a move If you’ve been banging your head against the wall trying to figure out what’s going on with him, you can give y...

Is He Leading You On? 16 Definitive Signs He’s Playing You for Fun

As someone who has been led on by guys and has even led on a few guys in her time, I am uniquely qualified to answer the question, is he leading you on? The thing about being led on is that when it’s happening you have no clue. You’re hopeful and excited, never even considering the question: is he leading you on? If you’ve ever been led on before, you know that the end result is anything but hopeful or exciting. In fact, it feels like you’ve been royally screwed over. And that’s because you have. When someone leads you on, they are not treating you with respect. They play games with your emotions with little to no sympathy for the pain they cause you. This is why it is important to be able to spot the signs that he is leading you. Is he leading you on or is he genuine in his intentions? Put a stop to it before you get hurt. [Read: How to play the player and return the favor like a boss ] What does being led on really mean? Before we get into the signs he’s leading you on, let’s m...

What Makes a Girl Good in Bed: The Subtle Things Men Desire in Bed

It’s not just about blowjobs. Sex is more than that. Now the question is: what makes a girl good in bed? You’re about to find out what men want in bed. Before anything else, what makes a girl good in bed is subjective. Men are human beings. They’re all unique in their own ways. Not everyone likes blowjobs or large breasts, for example. And that’s the beautiful part about attraction and sex: everyone has their own preferences. So before I go on, it’s important to understand that, at the end of the day, what makes a girl good in bed isn’t so cut and dry. But I will tell you the general preferences of what makes a girl a bomb in the bed. What makes a girl good in bed? The little things to know This seems to be a question many people want the answer to: woman or a man! Now from what the movies and popular culture tell us, men are looking for some blonde bombshell with giant boobs that only exist in porn films. But in reality, that’s not what men want, which is great news for everyone....

20 Questions to Ask Your Ex after a Breakup to Heal & Find Closure

Ending a relationship is never easy, but it can be a lot easier to move forward if you have the perfect questions to ask your ex after a breakup. You’ve had your breakup. The tears have been shed and the sweatshirts have been returned. But, there is still a lot of confusion, which is why these questions to ask your ex after a breakup matter. A breakup rarely ends everything. It may end the technical parts of your relationship, but it likely left a lot of feelings and probably quite a few questions. We don’t always get the chance to talk to an ex and get all our questions answered, so if you do, be smart about it. I know you have a lot of unresolved feelings, but there are some questions to ask your ex after a breakup that will help you move on. [Read: How to make letting go of your ex easier ] Are you seeing your ex after a breakup? When you are talking to your ex after a breakup, it is really the most beneficial if you do it in person. If you start texting your ex it can get out...

The Big List of Must-Know Sexy Pick Up Lines All Guys Should Know

Words play a big part in attraction. If you want to knock her off her feet, you should know the right things to say with these sexy pick up lines. Sexy pick up lines always get a bad rap for being cheesy and corny. But let’s be honest, almost every first line you hear is a pick up line. Even if it’s just a “hello.” When we see someone we like, the first thing we think is, wow, they’re amazing. Now, the next step is to try to translate those thoughts into words. You want to break the ice, make your way in so you can ask them out. In my day, I’ve heard some of the worst pick up lines, ones that even included card and magic tricks. And let’s just say, those never go too well. Unfortunately, they had to learn the hard way. [Read: Get something going with these flirty conversation starters ] 16 sexy pick up lines that work But you don’t need to follow their unsexy path. It’s time you learned the right sexy pick up lines. The ones that will give you actual results. There’s nothing wo...

What Is a Narcissistic Man Like & How to Recognize his Rotten Core

We all hear about them—selfish, manipulative men walking around. But what is a narcissistic man like in reality? And, how can you avoid them? Narcissism is big news these days. It seems that the term came out of nowhere. In reality, narcissism has been around for as long as people. We simply didn’t have an actual name for it. So, what is a narcissistic man like in reality? Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) A truly narcissistic person actually has a personality disorder, called Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or NPD, for short. This type of person is rare but only because true narcissists don’t tend to seek treatment. Why? Because they don’t think they need help, they think everyone else does. That means a frightening fact is true. There are many true narcissists walking around this planet, causing emotional havoc, and not understanding why. Of course, there is treatment for NPD, in the form of therapy, but again, very few narcissists actually go through it. ...

How to Play a Guy at His Own Game and Make Him Feel Miserable

Sometimes the only way to teach someone a lesson is to beat them at their own game. But how to play a guy at his own game when you’re the one being played? Women are well-known for playing mind games with men. Actually, we’re considered experts. But, so many of us fall easily into the games men play with women. I think it’s because we assume that we’re the game players, leaving us open for manipulation. To turn the tables, it’s time to learn how to play a guy at his own game. The fact is both men and women are experts at playing mind games with each other. Of course, many of us are open and honest people, but there are always those who fall between the cracks. Those are the ones to watch out for. But, let’s be honest, most of us have been played by someone. Take it as a life lesson. How to play a guy at his own game If you feel you’re being played, you must stop it. That’s easier said than done, especially when we have feelings for them. But you don’t want to be taken advantage o...

How to Be a Witty Banter Master and Be the Fun Life of the Party

Everyone loves that one person who gives off the cuff remarks and makes everyone laugh. Can you learn the art of witty banter? It doesn’t hurt to try! Some people are born naturally witty. They can have conversations which ebb and flow with ease, throwing in humorous remarks, and having their audience giggling and laughing without seeming to try too hard. These people are rare. Most of us have to work hard at witty banter. When it doesn’t come naturally, it’s quite difficult! Forced wittiness isn’t actually comfortable to be around. Surely you’ve been in a conversation with someone who is trying so hard to be funny and witty, but it’s all just coming over as a little too try-hard. As a result, you’re left cringing. This is not the result you want. If you want to be a pro at witty banter, you need to practice, and most importantly, work on your confidence, so that easy conversation flies off the tongue without second guessing. Impulse and on the spot remarks make up the very core of ...

Why Being Ghosted Hurts So Much & What You Need To Do About It

We all know breakups majorly suck. Do you ever wonder why being ghosted hurts so much? Well, I do and I know what to do about it too. If you have dated in the last five years or so, you have probably been ghosted. Ghosting is just the name of the game nowadays. There are no more breakups or conversations when someone loses interest, but instead, silence. Silence to contemplate why being ghosted hurts so much. Now, there are the rare decent people who won’t ghost. Sadly, they are few and far between. And even with the increase in ghosting, it seems like it still doesn’t make much sense. There are no answers or reasons. It just happens. You are left to deal with it and the pain and confusion that goes along with it. [Read: What is ghosting and how does it affect you? ] Why being ghosted is so confusing Now, in a normal breakup, you usually get a reason. You can go to your friends and vent and move on because you have closure. But, when you’re ghosted you have a breakup without any o...

What Makes a Good Friend: The Art of Honing Your Friendship Skills

We all pride ourselves on our friendship skills, but do you really know what makes a good friend deep down? You might be surprised! Everyone needs friendship in their lives. A good friend will carry you through the hard times and be by your side throughout it all. Most of us think we’re the best friend possible, but do you really know what makes a good friend? Friendship is extremely important to me. I don’t actually have a huge squad, but I’ve always gone down the quality over quantity route. I can probably count my true friends on one hand. But I only have one friend who I know would be there for me through absolutely everything life could ever throw at me. Don’t be sad, I’m lucky to have her! For many people, the same story rings true. If you want to welcome more friends into your life and ensure that you’re the best you can be for the ones you already have, know what makes a good friend in the first place. Of course, you’re probably already thinking of a few no-brainer entries ...

Secret to Happiness: The Uncomplicated Guide for a Happy Life

How can I be happier? The million-dollar question we ask ourselves… but most of us are still waiting for an answer. But is there a secret to happiness? While scrolling through Facebook and Instagram, you’d think people have found the secret to happiness. Everyone is smiling, laughing, having a good time. How could they not be happy? The pictures give all the signs of a perfect and happy life. But, as we all know, the minute you go further into someone’s life, you realize their social media is just a facade. I think we can all agree, we’re not much different from the people we see on social media. The simple secret to happiness Sometimes, it’s hard to think about being truly happy. There’s a lot of terrible and sad things happening in the world, and we see it on a daily basis. How can we be happy when the world is full of suffering? [Read: How to be a good person and transform your world ] Not only that, but we’re animals, designed to survive and protect ourselves from danger. Thu...