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Showing posts from October, 2019


What Causes Narcissism? The Facts & Theories to Read a Narcissist

It seems that the term “narcissist” is a hot topic these days, but have you ever stopped to think about what causes narcissism in the first place? We often hear the word “narcissist” bandied about these days. In reality, true narcissism is quite rare. However, when you come into contact with an actual narcissist, there will be no doubt. And it might make you wonder, what causes narcissism? Why is narcissism on the rise? The reason we hear the word so much is because there is a lot of cruelty in the world. People treat others badly: lying, cheating, manipulating, and all of this causes pain and heartache for those unlucky enough to have fallen for someone with such negativity in their heart. Narcissism in a relationship is no easy task. Most unions which are touched by narcissism don’t actually survive. It’s hard to remain in a “loving” relationship when you’re constantly being dragged down and manipulated. [Read:  The secret signs of narcissism you shouldn’t overlook ] If you...

Why Did She Suddenly Lose Interest & What You Need To Learn From It

When someone suddenly loses interest in you, it’s confusing. Well, it’s time you learned the answers to why did she suddenly lose interest in you. When I was dating, I constantly wondered why a guy would suddenly stop texting me. Why would he suddenly lose interest in me… I don’t get it… As a guy, you probably are wondering, why did she suddenly lose interest in me? It’s a tale as old as time. You met a girl, she’s amazing, you have a great time together. Suddenly, she disappears, and you never hear from her again. What happened? Why would she suddenly lose interest in you? The worst part is why didn’t she tell you why she pulled back? These are hard questions to think about, especially when you want to move on. [Read: How to lose feelings for someone and let go of the might have beens ] Why did she suddenly lose interest: The answers and the lessons to learn Listen, when it comes to relationships, they’re not easy. You never really know what the other person is thinking. It tak...

Girl Talk: What Makes a Guy Physically Attractive and Appealing?

What is it about a guy that makes you a little hot under the collar? If you had to narrow it down, what makes a guy physically attractive to you? What makes a guy physically attractive to you? Because we all find different things attractive. One person might find a guy carrying a few extra pounds super-attractive, but another person might prefer a guy with shredded abs. One person might go weak at the knees for a guy with a beard, but someone else might shudder at the thought. The subject of attractiveness is such a broad one, and it’s really interesting to ask people what their own preferences are. For instance, I find a guy with a six pack really off-putting. I think this is because I am far from gym-ready myself, and, as a result, I find all this ab-carving a little terrifying. Would I go for someone overweight? I wouldn’t find them physically attractive immediately, but once I got to know their personality, maybe that would change? [Read: The strongest signs of a mutual attract...

How to Start a Conversation with a Girl You Like, Like a Gentleman

If you’re not sure how to start a conversation with a girl you like, you’re probably stalling. Time is precious! Be real, be you, just go for it.   It’s impossible to start a crush, fling, or relationship without actually having a conversation! The problem is, someone has to start that conversation, which can be challenging. Even the most confident of people can turn into a puddle of goo when it comes to starting a conversation with someone they like. If you’re not sure how to start a conversation with a girl you like, it’s likely become a huge mental wall to overcome. Now, I am a girl, so I’m going to share my pearls of wisdom with you. This is advice you can trust, because although every girl is different, there are certain things which are extremely annoying and cringe-worthy when someone tries to start a conversation with you. Avoid those things and there’s no reason why you can’t strike up a beautiful friendship, which may become more! There are two situations we need to c...

How to Look for Subtle Signs Your Ex Misses You After the Breakup

When a relationship ends, it’s normal to look for signs your ex misses you. You want them to miss you! But, what should you be looking for? When a relationship ends, are you someone who finds it easy to cut ties and never think about that person again? Or do you always keep one ear to the ground in some small way, wondering what they’re doing, seeking signs your ex misses you? Most of us do the latter if we’re completely honest with ourselves. That also means that your exes out there are probably doing the same to you! You might want to rekindle your romance, you might be very glad it’s over. Either way, it’s a good idea to be on the look out for some key signs your ex misses you. The reason? You can handle the situation in the best possible way by knowing where you stand, by reading between the lines. If you have no intention of getting back with this person, if you do notice signs, you’ll know to back away. On the other hand, if you want to start things up again, knowing the sign...

How to Start a Conversation with a Stranger & Say the Right Things

Most people don’t know how to start a conversation with a stranger. It’s time to learn and make many new friends as a result! Are you someone who knows how to start a conversation with a stranger while waiting for the bus or standing in the supermarket queue? Be honest. Most people shy away from talking to people they don’t know. They’re terrified they’ll turn out to be a clinger or a serial killer, or simply because of their own anxiety. I’ll admit, I used to avoid talking to anyone unless they decided to speak to me first. I was terrified that if I made that first move, they’d think I was strange and simply smile politely, while waiting for the first opportunity to move away. Then I decided to start traveling on my own a little. Then, I didn’t have a choice. It was either go overseas alone or don’t go at all. You’d be surprised how many people start to talk to you when you’re alone, and from there the chances of making new friends, and possibly more, is huge! [Read: How to open u...

Why Something Feels Off in Your Relationship: Sniff Out the Cause

All relationships have phases of happiness and ruts, but if you’re asking yourself why something feels off in your relationship, here’s your fix. No one ever said relationships were easy. To find someone you love and want to share your life with comes with hurdles, compromises, and more. Sometimes doubts and questions, like why something feels off in your relationship. But, with all of that your relationship should always bring you more happiness than sadness, fear, misery, or anything else. Whether you and your partner have been fighting, living long distance, or feel bored, there is something that feels off in your relationship, and it shouldn’t be left alone. [Read: The rulebook on what’s normal doubts in a relationship ] When something feels off in your relationship Even in the most successful and happy of relationships, things can feel off. They may feel off when you move in together. They may feel off if you haven’t seen each other in over a week. All relationships have mom...

Love vs Attachment: Is There a Vital Difference Between the Two?

They say that love has no ego, and in that case can love and attachment be the same thing? Let’s check out the differences of love vs attachment. Have you ever wondered what love really is? Do you need love to have an attachment or vice versa? Or is it more like love vs attachment? What is love really? Love is a strange thing. It makes us feel on top of the world one minute. Then suddenly has us plummeting down to depths we never thought possible. The highs make you feel alive. The lows make you wonder why you even bother with love in the first place. The bottom line is that we all want to be loved, but we all want to love in return. Loving someone is selfless. It’s a way to look after and care for someone without expecting anything back in return. Of course, it’s nice to get something back in return, i.e. their love too, but that’s not always the case! [Read: The 4 attachment styles and how they impact your relationship ] Can you confuse love for something else? Love can be conf...

How to Get Someone to Break Up with You If You Can’t Do It Yourself

No one said ending a relationship was easy. In fact, most of us wish to learn how to get someone to break up with you instead. Breaking up with someone is never easy regardless of your reasons why. But if you feel the relationship has run its course then you’re most likely right. But you don’t want to do the dirty deed, instead you want to know how to get someone to break up with you. Even though you want to end things, how are you going to do it? I once dumped a guy over the phone after telling him that he’s more like a brother figure—ouch. Mind you, I was young and clueless about the whole break up protocol. But, even though I wanted to end it, it was a hard move to make. Sometimes, we stay in a relationship longer because we’re terrified of making that step. But listen, the time is now. You can do it. [Read: The signs it’s time to break up even if it is hard ] How get someone to break up with you To be honest, you shouldn’t try to get someone to break up with you. If you really...

How to Handle the Pressure to Live Life to the Fullest and Thrive

We’re always being told that we need to live life to the fullest, but nobody ever tells us how to actually do it! Thankfully, it’s quite easy. How many times have you been told that you need to live life to the fullest or life is too short?  You need to get out there and live your life before it’s too late? It’s all true, but don’t you find it puts pressure on you? I, personally, start to question why my life in its current form isn’t good enough. Should I be climbing Kilimanjaro? Should I skydive? Am I not living my life to its fullest form if I’m not dancing with death on a daily basis? Many people panic and think that they’ll end up with regrets on their death bed. I know I used to think this way, but then I had an epiphany. Because I’m kind and caring, I’m going to share it with you. [Read: This is how to kick-ass in all areas of your life ] Different ideas of a full life You see, it goes a little like this. Everyone’s idea of living life to the fullest is totally differen...

How to Get a Player to Like You & Hook Him Before He Hooks You

Everyone says you can’t get a player to like you, but it’s not as hard as they make it sound. You just need to know how to get a player to like you. So, you like a player, and you want him to like you back. But how? How are you going to manage that? Well, that’s why you’re here. I’m going to guide you through the art of knowing how to get a player to like you. But please, please remember, this person is a player. So, while you try to get them to like you, don’t get played yourself. How to get a player to like you and fall hard I used to love chasing after players. Wow, I’m making myself sound so desperate. Well, I wasn’t that desperate, but I definitely enjoyed the challenge. If he looked, acted, and talked like a player, I was automatically into him. How could I not? [Read: The reasons why your guy is acting distant and strange ] Players are usually pretty good looking, know exactly what to say, and the right moves to make. As I got older, I realized what a waste of time it was....

Dating for Three Months? Warning Signs Your Relationship Will End

The first flourishes of love don’t last forever, but how can you tell whether your relationship is doomed after dating for three months only? How can you know if your relationship is going to stand the test of time after dating for three months? Should you give your guy the push? Every relationship is different, but the first few months should be packed with passion, excitement, butterflies, and not wanting to spend a moment apart. Do you recognize yourself in that description? Unfortunately, for many, the reality is a little different. Why is the three-month mark important? The importance of the three-month mark showcases your guy on his best behavior. You might have seen a few of his faults, but not many. You should be so completely head over heels in lust and passion that you aren’t annoyed by them. If you notice little things creeping in, or there are any major red flags, perhaps it’s time to admit defeat. Maybe put your efforts into someone much more worthy, before your heart...