It seems that the term “narcissist” is a hot topic these days, but have you ever stopped to think about what causes narcissism in the first place? We often hear the word “narcissist” bandied about these days. In reality, true narcissism is quite rare. However, when you come into contact with an actual narcissist, there will be no doubt. And it might make you wonder, what causes narcissism? Why is narcissism on the rise? The reason we hear the word so much is because there is a lot of cruelty in the world. People treat others badly: lying, cheating, manipulating, and all of this causes pain and heartache for those unlucky enough to have fallen for someone with such negativity in their heart. Narcissism in a relationship is no easy task. Most unions which are touched by narcissism don’t actually survive. It’s hard to remain in a “loving” relationship when you’re constantly being dragged down and manipulated. [Read: The secret signs of narcissism you shouldn’t overlook ] If you...