When everything is going well it can be easy to settle down quickly, but learning how not to rush into a relationship will benefit you in the long run. Rushing into a relationship isn’t usually something you plan on doing, it just happens. When you don’t take the time to slow down and really get to know each other, things can move too quickly. Learning how not to rush into a relationship is key when it comes to having a lasting relationship. But, it is easier said than done. When you rush into a relationship, it happens without you even noticing. And sometimes it can feel so right and that’s great, but may not be sustainable. Why it is so easy to rush into a relationship Practically speaking, it should be easy not to rush into a relationship. You know that rushing in without thinking or really knowing someone probably won’t work out and may lead to both of you being hurt. But, that is the problem when romantic feelings are involved, logic and reason go out the window. [Read: 20 sp...