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Showing posts from February, 2020


How to Deal with the Hurt When Your Ex Moved On Quickly

A breakup is hard enough to deal with, but if your ex moved on quickly it feels like a slap in the face. How do you handle the hurt? When relationships end, we mourn. It is a loss. We grieve that loss. And if we see our ex moved on quickly, it hurts.  It isn’t that we necessarily want them to suffer or hurt as much as we do, but knowing that they haven’t moved on yet lets us know that somehow we aren’t alone in all of this. When you know your ex is still struggling, it reassures you that your relationship mattered to them too. But, when your ex moved on quickly, it can double the pain for you. It can feel like there is something wrong with you or that your relationship didn’t mean as much to them. So, how do you deal with the fact that your ex moved on quickly? [Read: What are the signs your ex has moved on? ] Are you sure your ex moved on quickly? When you go through a breakup, your mind goes over everything. Where did things go wrong? You were so happy. What happened? Are ...

How to Stop Being a Side Chick: You Deserve to Be the Main Dish

Nothing feels worse than thinking you’re someone’s girlfriend and finding out you’ve been a side chick. Here’s how to stop being a side chick. You may be someone’s side chick right now, but you can learn how to stop being a side chick. It’s time to break the pattern and be with someone who sees you as their partner, not a side chick. You can do better than being a side chick. How to stop being a side chick In my early twenties, I saw this one guy. We only went on one or two dates, so it was nothing serious. I wanted to see where it would go and if we had a connection. We would text a lot, and he would even phone me. Things looked like they were heading in the right direction. Then one day, he just stopped. And I couldn’t figure out why. What happened? Well, I found out his girlfriend discovered he was chatting with another chick, and that chick was me. I was shocked. I didn’t even think for a minute that I was a side chick. [Read: How to forgive yourself from cheating and stop be...

Why He Chose Her Over You: The Real Reason He Picked Her Instead

If you’ve been cheated on, left, or lied to, you have surely asked yourself why he chose her over you. And guess what, I have the answer. If you’re left asking why he chose her over you, it is one of the crappiest feelings in the world. Trust me, I know. I have been there… twice. It not only feels like a punch to the gut off the bat, but once you sit with the reality for a while it is worse than a regular rejection or breakup. It makes you question yourself. You compare yourself to the other girl. It also manifests a divide between you and another girl that isn’t very feminist which then makes you feel guilty at the same time. Wondering why he chose her over you can take over your mind. It can stop you from moving on, living your life, and bring self doubt into future relationships. With that, it is obvious you want an answer to why he chose her over you. [Read: How to handle rejection without making a fool of yourself ] Why does it hurt so much Before we get into why he chose h...

In Love with a Married Woman? How to Know if It’s Time to End It

So, you’re in love with a married woman. Well, it’s tough, but if things aren’t going anywhere, it’s time to end the relationship and move on. Oh gosh, being in love with a married woman is a sticky situation. It is usually highly discouraged. Of course, for the obvious reason that this person is married. But secondly, married people, men and women, rarely end their marriages to be with their side-partner. Maybe the woman you’re with wanted to escape her reality or is unhappy with her marriage, but it doesn’t mean she’s going to take off her ring and call it quits. And for you, it’s not a good spot to be in. You’re not in control of anything. Rather, you’re at the whim of your married partner. In love with a married woman? How to end the relationship You’ve decided that it’s time to move on. If that’s the case, I couldn’t agree more. What are you doing with a married woman, you know what I mean? Unless she already signed the divorce papers, there’s no guarantee things are going to...

How to Get a Guy to Stop Dating Other Girls & Get Exclusive With You

When should you have the chat about being exclusive? If you want to learn how to get a guy to stop dating other girls, it all comes down to the talk. Early relationship chats are pretty awkward, right? You don’t want to say anything that’s going to scare him away. At the same time, you really want to know how to get a guy to stop dating other girls and whether you’re wasting your time or not. They all say, go with the flow or lighten up and see what happens. If you’re anything like me, you’re not very good at that. I’m not into wasting my time. If I like a guy, I want to know that he’s on the same page as me. The problem is, jumping in too quickly to figure that information out has landed me in a few sticky situations. Thankfully, I’ve learned from it. I can pass on my words of wisdom to you! If you want to know how to get a guy to stop dating other girls and to become exclusive, you simply must have the chat about what you are and where you’re at. [Read: What does exclusive mean ...

The Ultimate How-To for Achieving a Mind-Blowing Shaking Orgasm

When it comes to sex, we all want the ability to blow our partner’s mind with a shaking orgasm. But how do you reach that out-of-this-world level? When you have amazing sex with a shaking orgasm, you never forget it. No matter who you sleep with next, that memory stays lodged in your mind. Why? Because now you’ve had a taste of really mind-blowing sex. Let’s be honest, that doesn’t happen every day with just anyone. For you to have had that one amazing experience, everything had to fit perfectly together. Most of the time, it’s by chance. No one is planning it step by step. And although you want to know exactly how to achieve shaking orgasms, there’s not really a plan to follow. What I’m going to give you are tips that can help increase the chances of a shaking orgasm because you’re not the only person in the bedroom. [Read: The intense orgasms checklist for amazing sex every time ] How to achieve a shaking orgasm Much of it relies on your partner as well. You can be doing ever...

How to Stop Having Feelings for Someone Who Won’t Like You Back

Got rejected? Crushing on your coworker that’s taken? You will want to know how to stop having feelings for someone and move on for good. Having feelings for someone that doesn’t share them or that you shouldn’t necessarily be having feelings for, hurts. And understanding how to stop having feelings for someone doesn’t just happen because you don’t want them anymore. When you have feelings for someone, even just a crush, they can linger a lot longer than you would like. Figuring out how to stop having feelings for someone has plagued humankind for centuries. It is a burden. Feelings overwhelm us and take our time and attention away from more important things. But, the good news is that you can learn how to stop having feelings for someone and move on for good. [Read: How to stop liking someone you know you can never have ] Why do you want to stop having feelings for someone? Although logic and emotions do not always go hand in hand, practicality can be the best first step in get...

12 Obvious & Subtle Signs Your Girlfriend’s Friends Don’t Like You

There are some obvious signs your girlfriend’s friends don’t like you. Some are more subtle. Here are signs to watch for. Turn the tide in your direction. Let’s face it, you must have your girlfriend’s friends on your side. Otherwise, life will be difficult. Beware these signs your girlfriend’s friends don’t like you. Girls listen to their gal pals. While you might not need 100% approval from the squad, you do need to score at least around 80% for the relationship to have any chance of survival. It’s cutthroat, I know, but it’s true. [Read: Ask these good questions for a better connection with her friends ] 12 signs your girlfriend’s friends don’t like you While you should never attempt to be someone you’re not, simply to get your girlfriend’s friends on your side, be wary and mindful of what you say and do around them. There is almost some kind of psychic ability that friends have, which can help them figure out your true intentions faster than you can sneeze. It’s a special ab...

How Not to Be Boring in a Relationship As You Start to Settle Down

Once you’ve dated for a while your relationship can grow dull, but you can learn how not to be boring in a relationship. Keep the spark alive! Whether you’ve been together six months, six years, or sixty years, you can learn how not to be boring in a relationship. Keep going strong. Once the novelty of a new relationship wears off, we get into a routine or as some may call it, a rut. It happens. When you see each other every day, you stop getting dressed up. You lounge around and veg out. This is totally normal. But, it can feel sort of blah. When you’ve been dating for a while you can feel stuck. You already know a lot about your partner. It is easy to fall into what is comfortable. You come home from work and it is way easier to put on sweats and watch The Real Housewives than it is to get dressed and go out on the town. The thing is that you don’t have to be boring in a relationship. You can have fun in a relationship no matter how comfy you’ve gotten. And that doesn’t mean yo...

Married But In Love with Someone Else? Here’s What You Need to Do

Marriage doesn’t mean love forever. Sometimes our hearts want things, so if you’re married but in love with someone else, it’s a hard situation. If you’re married but in love with someone else, you’re in a tough situation. The odds are your partner doesn’t know about how you’re feeling or what you want. This is a big secret to keep from them while being dishonest with yourself. What to do if you’re married but in love with someone else I’m not married, but I’m in a long-term relationship. It’s not easy. When you make a commitment to someone, you say you’re willing to put in the hard work. But no one tells you just how hard a relationship is. No one tells you the importance of communication and the constant work. This is something you just find out on your own. So, on the one hand, I can understand why some people can’t handle their relationship. Many couples lack communication skills and empathy, which causes couples to stray from each other. Of course, this isn’t an excuse for che...

Sharing Expenses in a Relationship: The 7 Golden Must-Follow Rules

Money is a necessity in life, but it holds the power to destroy relationships. Learn the art of sharing expenses in a relationship to avoid problems. If there is one subject which can cause awkwardness and trouble in a relationship, it’s money and successfully sharing expenses in a relationship. Nobody likes to talk about dollars with someone they care about. It’s one of those subjects which makes you squirm on the spot. However, if you want to embark upon a successful and equal relationship, establish some guidelines and learn about sharing expenses in a relationship. This will help you to work together, know where you are financially, and look towards your future goals. Despite that, it’s still an awkward subject, right? [Read: How to stop fighting over money in a relationship ] Rules to follow when sharing expenses in a relationship To help you deal with this pitfall-ridden subject, let’s check out a few rules to put into place when sharing expenses in a relationship. #1 Be h...