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Showing posts from March, 2020


How to Stop Self Destructive Behavior & Change Your Life for Good

We all have unhealthy coping mechanisms that we fall on. Learn how to stop self destructive behavior and change your life for the better. You can do this! Negativity has the power to ruin your life. Did you know that the human brain’s default setting is actually negative before positive? But you can override the default setting and learn how to stop self destructive behavior. It all dates back to the days when cave people were running around the world, trying to avoid being eaten by scary predators with extremely large teeth. At this time, having a negative mind-set helped keep them alive. Our brains haven’t really caught on to the changes in the world since. Of course, this negative mind-set is designed to keep us safe, but what if it could actually be endangering us too? Do you indulge in self destructive behavior occasionally? Perhaps you indulge in it more than occasionally. It’s normal to have the odd unhealthy coping mechanism, e.g. deciding to go for a drink when you’re fee...

11 Most Important Things in a Relationship that Hold It Together

No one ever said relationships were easy. The most important things in a relationship need attention, care, and nurturing in order to last. Relationships are not simple. Just liking taking care of anything worthwhile, they require work, effort, and focus.  But, what are the most important things in a relationship? You don’t want to get carried away worrying about things like birthday presents when your communication is failing. Understand what the priorities are. Knowing the most important things in a relationship Everyone has their own priorities in life. It makes sense that those would carry over into a relationship. Some people are more concerned about the future while others want to be happy in the moment. Of course, each person and each relationship will have its own focuses, but as long as you know what the most important things in a relationship are to you and your partner, you can work on them. Maybe in your last relationship, intimacy was one of the most important th...

How Stonewalling in a Relationship Will Ruin Something Precious

What ruins a perfectly good relationship? Well, it’s stonewalling in a relationship. What is stonewalling? How can you get it out of your union? In relationships, effective communication is essential but hard to achieve. Being able to talk is one thing, but really communicating with someone is completely different. And stonewalling in a relationship can kill a relationship faster than a cheating partner. We all get tired of communicating or arguing at times. But, refusing to communicate *stonewalling* on a regular basis can turn into something much more serious. To be honest, while writing this article, I realized that I even stonewall my partner when we argue sometimes. And from someone who’s stonewalled their partner, it’s nothing that can sustain the relationship. When you stonewall your partner, you refuse to communicate with them and shut yourself off of the conversation. Not only does it show your partner you feel uncomfortable discussing hard topics, but it also shows you s...

What Makes Someone a Good Kisser? 13 Qualities of a Perfect Kiss

Let’s face it, a good smooch is a fantastic thing. But, do you like it slow and sensual, or fast and frantic? What makes someone a good kisser to you? A kiss is the first sign that someone is really into you, it’s the confirmation sign that takes away all the confusion of ‘does he/she like me or not’. But what makes someone a good kisser? And how do you tell if the rest of their kisses are going to be great there on? The first kiss can be a make or break deal, because what do you do if they’re a terrible kisser? Do you stick with it and hope they improve? Think that you can teach them your preferred way with a little instruction? Of course, it’s fun to try, but a good kiss is the benchmark of pleasure, so it’s not something you should be cutting corners on! It can be a terrible let down when you finally get to that first knee-trembling kiss moment. They’re moving closer, they’re leaning in, they’re going to do it finally! And then, yeah, nothing. A poor kiss can be worse than no kis...

How to Make Him Regret Taking You For Granted And Change His Ways

Feeling a little unappreciated? Learn how to make him regret taking you for granted, and pave the way for a brighter future in your relationship! Whether they realize it or not, some guys have a habit of taking their partner for granted. This could be innocent, simply getting a little too used to things they do on a daily basis, and not really noticing the small details which make them quite lucky in life. It could also be that the guy is a bit of a narcissist, basically assuming that everyone should do whatever for him, because that is how life should be. Whichever camp your guy falls into, learning how to make him regret taking you for granted could be a game-changer. I should point out that if your guy is quite the narcissist, you have your hands full attempting to make him change. Put simply, a narcissist will only change his ways if he wants to. On the other hand, if your guy simply needs a nudge to remind him how wonderful his partner is, and how you don’t have to do all the t...

Does My Ex Miss Me? 15 Signs Your Ex Is Clearly Not Over You Yet

It looks like your ex has moved on for good. But that doesn’t mean they don’t miss you. If you’re wondering, does my ex miss me, it’s time you found out. After a breakup, there’s a period where things are tough. We’re heartbroken and feeling like we’ve hit an all-time low. Every now and then, we can’t help but wonder, does my ex miss me, do they still care about me and want to get back together, and many other things along these lines. That phase is normal after a breakup. But then, once you start to move on, everything feels a bit better. But not everyone moves on at the same pace. Some people can move on quickly; others take more time. During that time, it’s easy to fall back and want to contact your ex because you miss them. I think that’s a normal desire to have when going through a breakup. [Read: Should you text your ex? The guide to help you make up your mind ] I remember during my big breakup, I was wondering if my ex was even thinking about me. I missed him so much, and I ...

How to Tell If a Lesbian is Attracted To You & How to Respond to Her

Generally, lesbians are subtler than men. Want to avoid embarrassing misunderstandings? Learn how to tell if a lesbian is attracted to you. If you’ve been spending a lot of time chatting with a female friend who happens to be a lesbian, you might be wondering if she’s seeing you through friendship eyes, or whether she has feelings which run a little deeper. It’s not always easy to know why this girl spends time with you, especially if you’re not sure how to tell if a lesbian is attracted to you. Whatever you do, do not fall into the trap of thinking that just because she’s a lesbian and she is talking to you, it means she is attracted to you. Do you think that about every man who speaks to you? No, of course not! So do her a favor and pay the same thought process to her motives too! It could very well be that she simply finds you interesting and wants to strike up a friendship. [Read: What it means to have a lesbian fantasy as a straight woman ] The subtle differences in flirting ...

26 Sexy, Naughty, Dirty Things to Say During Sex & Make Them Horny

We all want to know what’ll turn someone on in bed. Sometimes, all you need are the right kind of dirty things to say during sex and make anyone horny! Have you ever seen an awkward sex scene on tv? Usually, it’s either super silent or someone says something completely out of the blue, making the entire scene uncomfortable and embarrassing.We all want to speak dirty in bed and sound naughty, but knowing the right kind of dirty things to say during sex can be tricky, at least at the beginning. As we continue to learn about ourselves and sex, in general, it’s normal to say something awkward or weird during sex. I mean, we’re not robots. Most people learn sex from either porn, movies, or tv shows. I know, our options are pretty sad, especially since none of these outlets are actually real. Everything is acted out to perfection, and let’s be honest, sex is never perfect in reality. But that’s also the beauty of sex. It’s supposed to be messy, naughty, and passionate. This is where the ...

How to Know a Narcissist is Finished With You: The Harsh Truth

Being with them is a nightmare. But it feels worse when they’re done using you. Here’s how to know a narcissist is finished with you and moved on. When you fall in love with a narcissist, you don’t really know what’s going on. If you did, you wouldn’t have gone into a relationship with them. But they’ve managed to fool you, and slowly wrap you around their finger, making your life a living hell. Of course, now you have a dilemma; you’re in love with them. Do they still care about you? Or are they looking for a new narcissistic supply? You’re not sure where you stand, nor are you sure how to know a narcissist is finished with you. [Read: Narcissistic supply – What it is and how to stop giving them what they crave ] What are you going to do? Break up? Probably not. You’ll stick around, and maybe get the courage to move on once your patience runs out. And this isn’t anything to be ashamed of. Listen, we’ve all been in unhealthy situations, and they’re not easy to get out of especially...

Why Do Girls Play Games & Test Guys in the Early Stages of Dating?

Have you ever wondered why do girls play games when in the early stages of dating? Perhaps it’s down to the fact that we can’t figure guys out either! Is the woman in your life playing the odd game or two? Do you find it hard to really figure out what she’s thinking or trying to achieve? If you’re wondering why do girls play games or shit test guys, you’re not alone. It’s a very common fact that girls play games in relationships and dating. I can say that with confidence because I am one! [Read: Shit test 101 – What it is and how to successfully pass all her tests ] Yes, I will admit to playing the odd game every now and again, and whilst I tend to do it less now I’m a little wiser, I wouldn’t rule it out in the future! Why do we do this? Because half the time we have no idea what is going through our partner’s mind, or the person we’re attempting to date, and we want to try and get a specific type of reaction. Now, I will admit one thing. The games we play often backfire. You se...

Can an Introvert Date An Extrovert? How to Balance the Two Worlds

Do you love parties or time alone? How can a relationship between these two opposing stances work? Can an introvert date an extrovert? Introverts and extroverts; two opposing lifestyles, personalities, and even dating styles. Can these two polar opposites date? Can an introvert date an extrovert and make it work in the long run? The answer is a simple yes. I know it may seem counterintuitive but an introvert can date an extrovert and do it happily. But, just like any other healthy relationship, it requires a bit of understanding, a lot of respect, and of course, compromise. What is an introvert? What is an extrovert? Before figuring out how to make this relationship work, it is important to know what these terms mean and what they mean specifically to you. [Read: Introvert vs. Extrovert – How to know for sure which side you’re on? ] In general terms, an introvert is someone who thrives best alone while an extrovert feeds off of outside energy. For example, an extrovert may want ...