We all have unhealthy coping mechanisms that we fall on. Learn how to stop self destructive behavior and change your life for the better. You can do this! Negativity has the power to ruin your life. Did you know that the human brain’s default setting is actually negative before positive? But you can override the default setting and learn how to stop self destructive behavior. It all dates back to the days when cave people were running around the world, trying to avoid being eaten by scary predators with extremely large teeth. At this time, having a negative mind-set helped keep them alive. Our brains haven’t really caught on to the changes in the world since. Of course, this negative mind-set is designed to keep us safe, but what if it could actually be endangering us too? Do you indulge in self destructive behavior occasionally? Perhaps you indulge in it more than occasionally. It’s normal to have the odd unhealthy coping mechanism, e.g. deciding to go for a drink when you’re fee...