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Types of Liars: 14 Ways to Confront Them and Not Lose Your Cool

We all lie from time to time, we’re only human. If you’ve noticed, not everyone lies in the same way… so, what types of liars are there?

Here’s the thing, there’s no one in the world who hasn’t lied. Okay, there probably is but they’re also probably not very well liked amongst their family and friends. I should say lying is bad, and in most cases, it is. But there are levels to the types of liars.

The different types of liars that you’ll encounter

There are some moments where we have to lie. For example, your pregnant, emotional wife asks you if she looks fat. Well, she’s pregnant so, yeah, she looks a little thicker than her regular self. Do you tell her she looks fat? Of course not. You say, “No, baby, you look beautiful, I love you just the way you are.” Though that is true, the first part, that part where you said no, is a lie. [Read: 8 scenarios where white lies can save your relationship]

You see how easy it is to lie? And for some of us, we don’t even consider that an actual lie. So, as you can imagine, the spectrum of a liar ranges. But don’t worry I’m here to give you the 411 on liars and what the different types of liars there are.

It’s important to know the types of liars out there, that way, you can spot them before they start their bullshit with you. If you find yourself in one of these categories, don’t freak out. You can always change because lying is a learned behavior. Liar, liar, pants on fire.

#1 Lying is learned. If someone confesses they lied to you but can’t stop, listen, they can stop lying. Of course, if they’ve been lying for so long, it’s a behavior that’s going to be hard to change. However, it’s important to understand lying is learned. We learned to lie throughout our childhood for different reasons. However, most of us grow out of it. [Read: 13 giveaways to tell if someone is lying to your face]

#2 Lying doesn’t mean you tell something untrue. Here’s the thing: not all liars lie. Yeah, I know this is a little confusing at this moment but it’s true. Not all liars tell you something false. In fact, they may straight up tell you the truth. However, they may leave important details out which is what they hide from you. [Read: The 15 types of toxic relationships you need to watch out for in your life]

#3 The Occasional Liar. These are people who are generally not lying. In fact, when they do lie, they’re completely riddled with the feeling of guilt and usually end up seeking forgiveness from the ones they lied to. Though they did lie, they understood quickly their mistake and have so much self-respect and respect for others they quickly change their behavior and admit their fault.

#4 The Frequent Liar. This person lives their day-to-day activities lying their way through. As a frequent liar, they’re not overly concerned about the repercussions of their actions. In fact, they don’t even try to cover their tracks. Though everyone may know that this person’s lying, they’re not bothered.

Their sloppiness with their lying results with them having very few friends since no one can trust this person fully. These people may feel the need to lie in order to make themselves appear to be more interesting or likable. However, people usually catch on pretty quick. [Read: The 18 reasons you might not having any friends]

#5 The Smooth Liar. Now this person knows how to lie. I mean, it’s already shown in the title. They perfected their craft of deception. When it comes to a smooth liar, you may not actually realize you’re being lied to. This is because they’ve also convinced themselves of the lie. Thus, you have no reason to not believe them.

They’re very fluid with body language and speech, usually, a favorite at parties and social gatherings. They’re fun to be around because they entertain. They always have some story to share about some crazy night out, but it’s all bullshit. Once people start to question them, they quickly find new people to work their magic on.

#6 The Compulsive Liar. A compulsive liar is someone who has a serious issue when it comes to honesty. They lie even when they don’t have to. Sure, they could tell the truth but for them, it feels more natural when they lie. This is beyond lying for enjoyment, this is an addiction that they’re unable to control.

They usually dedicate a large amount of time in coming up with new stories, new lies to share. As people, they’re not trustworthy and usually, they’re unable to maintain any friendships. Their lying usually ends up destroying their lives. [Read: 18 emotions you shouldn’t feel in a healthy relationship]

#7 White Liars. Most of us think of ourselves as white liars. White liars are usually not considered actual liars. White lies are justified as being harmless and beneficial for the situation. They tell the truth, but there is usually a small part which is a lie. You remember the story about the pregnant wife who asks you if she looks fat. Yup, your answer is a white lie, and for good reason, you don’t want to hurt her feelings.

What to do when you encounter a liar?

#8 Don’t be aggressive towards them. If you figured out that this person lied, don’t attack them with accusations. Instead, act calmly and show them the evidence that you have. Your goal is to have them admit their faults, thus, if you freak out at them, they may continue to lie to simply try to weasel their way out. Show them  in a calm way, there’s nowhere to go. [Read: 13 giveaways to tell if someone is lying to your face]

#9 Stay confident. They may try to manipulate you and break down your self-esteem, making you second guess your feelings and thoughts. Don’t let them. Sure, it may be your boyfriend, but, screw him, he’s a liar. You hold the power now, so do not let them take the power from you. Stand strong and stay firm in your opinion.

#10 Do show them love. That is if you actually care about this person. Do show them empathy and compassion, as you get them to open up to you.

You want to better your relationship with them, rather than breaking them down further. So, do show them you support them as a friend or partner, this doesn’t mean though that you let it slide. Remember, they still lied. [Read: The 15 ways to learn how to forgive someone]

#11 Have your facts ready. If you confront a liar, well, if you’re not confident in your evidence, your argument isn’t going to go far. In fact, they already have another lie to defend themselves. So, if you must write them down, write them down. This may be even better if you present them paper evidence of their lies. This way, you won’t be the one being called a liar.

#12 Keep the conversation going. Like I said before, you need to talk to them. I know you’re angry but yelling at them isn’t going to get you anywhere. So, make sure you keep your voice in a conversational tone, that way, they feel comfortable in talking to you *somewhat* honestly.

#13 Ask questions. This is your time to ask the questions. You want to ask them specific questions, this is the only way you uncover their lies. They need to have prepared very specific information beforehand and if you caught them off guard, well, I don’t think they prepared for it. [Read: Emotional maturity: 13 clues to know if someone has it]

#14 Take some time for yourself. Now that you spoke to them, it’s time that you took some time to yourself to think about what you’re going to do. They’re now a distrustful person in your eyes, so, you need to figure out what you should do with this relationship.

[Read: How to spot a compulsive liar and know if it’s time to walk away]

Now that you’re fully up to date on the types of liars that exist, which one are you? Do you notice any of your friends or family with some of these attributes?

The post Types of Liars: 14 Ways to Confront Them and Not Lose Your Cool is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

from LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships


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