So, you like a girl, and you want to take it to the next step and get some time with her. Well, you’re going to have to know how to ask a girl to hang out. The idea behind understanding how to ask a girl to hang out is terrifying. I know, you probably think, how does Natasha know how it feels? Well, I’ve asked guys to hang out before. And trust me, not all of them ended up with me going on a date with them, so I get where your anxiety comes from. But here’s the thing, there’s nothing actually to worry about. Right now, you’re freaking out, figuring out what you should do because you like her which is really sweet and understandable. But if you overthink the ways to ask her out, then imagine how it’s going to be when you’re in front of her. [Read: How to make girls chase you and become Mr. Irresistible ] How to ask a girl to hang out So, if you want to reduce your anxiety then prepare yourself. Knowing what to say or how to say it helps you when it comes to the moment where you ask ...