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Ultimate How-to Guide for Cuckold Humiliation: Is It Your Game?

Now cheating on your partner is bad. What if your partner was aroused by it and said it was okay for you to do it? Your partner wants cuckold humiliation.

It’s a weird concept, isn’t it? From childhood, we’re taught that you’re supposed to be with one person and one person only. And your partner will grow old with you and only you. But for some people, that isn’t in the cards. At one point, they may have wanted that, now, they’re into something called cuckold humiliation.

But what is it exactly? A person who’s a cuckold is someone who receives pleasure from their partner consensually cheating on them. [Read: How to ease your partner into a soft swap experience]

The “how-to” for cuckold humiliation

Now, is it really cheating if their partner knows and supports it? We could argue that it’s not technically cheating. A cuckold gets off on knowing their partner is attracted to someone else or aroused through feelings of humiliation.

Now a cuckold may or may not decide to take their fantasy into the real world and agree to have their partner sleep with other people outside of their relationships. So, since you’re here, you’re probably a little curious about how this all works. Well, I’m going to show you.

#1 It doesn’t always involve humiliation. Now, if you’re interested in cuckolding but not turned on by humiliation, the good thing is, you can have one without the other. Enjoy cuckolding without humiliation or just an ounce of it thrown in. Explore your levels of comfort with humiliation as its different for everyone.

#2 It works off of jealousy. Cuckold humiliation works off human jealousy. Let’s set things straight, we all experience jealousy regardless of your sexual preferences. Jealousy, for some people, makes them arouse. It makes your partner seem more attractive now that someone else eyes them. This is where cuckolding comes in. [Read: How to fantasize and talk about someone else with your partner]

#3 There are different ways to be humiliated. Now, for your partner, they’re aroused by different levels of humiliation. This humiliation stems from helping you pick an outfit for the date or that this other person is better in bed, more attractive, etc.

Remember to ask your partner what their dream scenario would be and what humiliation means to them. Get them starting to think about it.

#4 Talk about everything. You should talk about every single aspect of cuckold humiliation as you don’t want your partner to experience any miscommunication. Ask them what would make them comfortable, where the boundaries are, what types of humiliation they like, and pick a safe word. These questions must be answered before you move a step further.

#5 Explore humiliation together. Before bringing in another person, you must explore humiliation together. You need to experiment the ways to shame him, what’s he’s comfortable with, and what’s off-limits. And the only way to figure it out is to try it out. There are a variety of domination and submission games for you to play with him. [Read: 14 ways to be the naughtiest dominatrix in bed]

#6 Finding a partner. Now, you need a partner if this is going to work. Suddenly, the internet is your most valuable asset. Of course, asking someone off the street isn’t going to be as successful as the world wide web.

You can place an ad on Craigslist or OKCupid or go more niche and look at sites such as AdultFriendFinder or CuckoldFinder. These sites allow you to create a personalized ad, going into details about exactly what you look for.

#7 Don’t cheat. I know this sounds weird, but whatever you do, don’t cheat. Now, when I say don’t cheat, I mean, do not sleep with someone that you and your partner have not agreed on. If you do actually cheat, this breaks the trust between you and your partner. Cuckolding isn’t an excuse to sleep with other people that your partner doesn’t approve of. [Read: Does your wife want to sleep with another man?]

#8 Need help? If you need some inspiration, the best thing is to ask other couples who do this or turn to porn. The porn industry has a healthy cuckolding genre for you to watch, study, and take notes on.

You’ll be able to incorporate what you saw into your own personal experience. You see some examples of humiliation such as the husband holding his wife’s hand as she has sex with another man. [Read: How to fantasize about someone else and not feel guilty]

#9 The cuckold may not be included in any sexual activities. In some cases, the cuckold may not be included in any sexual activities at all while his partner is having sex with another man. Instead, the cuckold may simply masturbate while his partner has sex or watch. This depends on the rules that were established prior.

#10 Fem cuckold. A “fem cuck” means the cuckold has feminine tendencies. They allow their partner to use a dildo on them or forced feminization such as wearing female underwear, make-up, etc. This means the humiliation takes forms through sex toys, domination, etc. [Read: How to talk dirty in bed and discuss a cuckold fantasy]

#11 Talk about the sex after. If you had a sexual experience with your cuckold, after the sex, you discuss how it went with your partner. Talk about what could be better, what you liked or didn’t like, etc. Make sure they voice their opinion as they’re the cuckold. At the end of the day, the most important thing is the relationship between you and your partner.

[Read: Everything you need to know about the cuckold fantasy fetish]

Now that you know everything you need to about cuckold humiliation, you’ll see if it’s the right thing for you and your partner.

The post Ultimate How-to Guide for Cuckold Humiliation: Is It Your Game? is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

from LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships


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