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60 Funny Icebreaker Questions to Spark a Conversation with Anyone

Meeting new people can be stressful. I’ll make it a little bit easier for you with these funny icebreaker questions sure to help.

Today I am going to share some fun questions with you, because I think we can all make use of funny icebreaker questions, since we are ALWAYS meeting new people. And meeting new people can be hard, can’t it?

Personally, I adore getting to know new people. I sort of have a problem with boundaries, honestly. I just want to know everything and anything about everybody. When new people start at work, I bombard them with a ton of questions because I just want to know everything about them as soon as possible. I know, I know, I’m the absolute worst.

But seriously, I’ve always been this way. In high school, I would meet new people, and I had an arm’s length worth of questions I wanted to ask them, and some of them were really quite fun! [Read: Are you a shy extrovert? All the signs pointing to your dichotomy]

60 funny icebreaker questions

I hope you’re ready to get to know somebody, because otherwise these questions are sort of useless to you, aren’t they? The following is a list of 60 funny icebreaker questions sure to spark a fun and interesting conversation. Enjoy.

#1 Would you rather trade lives with your cat or your dog for a day? [Read: The 40 hardest would you rather questions you could ask]

#2 If you could build a house made out of untraditional materials, what would you make it from *ie: cotton candy, pillows, computers, etc.*?

#3 If you could sleep on a bed of anything, what would it be?

#4 What is your favorite song from your high school days?

#5 Do you have any crazy roommate stories? [Read: How to be charming and liked by everyone]

#6 Who was your childhood actor crush?

#7 What is the strangest family tradition you have?

#8 What is the strangest thing you’ve ever had for breakfast?

#9 What TV show/movie character were you afraid of as a child?

#10 What was your favorite item of clothing as a child?

#11 What’s the funniest pick-up line you know?

#12 Which celebrity personality do you follow the most closely online?

#13 What is your funniest talent?

#14 Have you ever had a recurring nightmare? If so, what is it?

#15 Tell me about your first kiss.

#16 What about your first time? [Read: People share their first orgasm stories]

#17 What is your favorite smell?

#18 What commercial song always gets stuck in your head?

#19 Would you rather be a fly on the wall of the White House for one day, or be a gardener at the White House for a week?

#20 Do you prefer popsicles or ice cream?

#21 What was your nickname(s) as a child?

#22 If you had a boat, what would you name it?

#23 Would you rather only wear blue clothing for the rest of your life, or wear a hat every day for the rest of your life? [Read: 40 really gross would you rather questions that’ll make anyone squirm]

#24 If you could switch places with anybody in your family for a day, who would it be and why?

#25 If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

#26 If money wasn’t an issue, what career would you choose?

#27 What game show would you like to be a contestant on?

#28 What is the most important product of every grocery shop for you?

#29 If you have an itch in your nose, in your butt, and on your eye, which one do you scratch first?

#30 Are you a good witch or a bad witch?

#31 If you were a section of Cosmopolitan, which section would you be? [Read: The art of making the best first impression]

#32 What is your guilty pleasure?

#33 Would you rather live in a tree or underground?

#34 Do you separate your laundry into colors or just throw it all in together?

#35 What is your favorite kind of birthday cake?

#36 Would you rather be taller or shorter than you are right now?

#37 What would you do if money really did grow on trees? [Read: 43 intellectual questions to talk smart with anyone]

#38 If somebody were to take a candid photo of you, what would you most likely be doing?

#39 If the police suddenly broke into your house in the middle of the day, what would they find you doing?

#40 Where would you live if you could live completely off the grid?

#41 What type of coffee would you describe yourself as?

#42 If you could travel anywhere OUTSIDE of this planet, where would it be and why?

#43 If you could have an unlimited supply of something for the rest of your life, what would it be?

#44 If you could own only a smartphone or a computer, what would it be?

#45 If you could be immortal, which age would you like to stay forever?

#46 If you were a wrestler, what would your entrance song be?

#47 If you had your own talk show, what would it be called?

#48 If you could write a book, what would it be about?

#49 What are the top three things on your bucket list? [Read: How to create the ultimate BFF adventure bucket list]

#50 What is your favorite sandwich and why?

#51 What would the title of your autobiography be?

#52 What is your most used emoji?

#53 Who do you text the most?

#54 Do you prefer chocolate or candy?

#55 What was your favorite Halloween costume as a child?

#56 As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

#57 If you could hang out with any cartoon character, who would it be?

#58 If money wasn’t an issue, would you be heavily tattooed?

#59 If you had to delete all but four apps on your smartphone, which apps would you keep? [Read: The best relationship apps you need to download already]

#60 If there was a movie made about your life, who would play you?

Before you try these out of on your new friendship/relationship, ask them to yourself! They are really quite fun!

[Read: These get to know you questions will help you bond with someone instantly]

There you have it folks! 60 funny icebreaker questions that are sure to spark a conversation with your new friend or potential partner. 

The post 60 Funny Icebreaker Questions to Spark a Conversation with Anyone is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

from LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships


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