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Wedding Night Sex: How to Make It an Unforgettable Experience

Wedding night sex may be wildly romantic, or you may spend it hovering over a toilet bowl. Here’s what to expect from wedding night sex.

Your wedding night sex is a ritual dance that has so much hype and anticipation surrounding it, so it’s hard to know if you’re doing it right. The truth is that wedding night sex doesn’t always turn out the way you thought it would, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t going to be special.

So what is the norm when it comes to wedding night sex? In a survey of 1,000 couples, 52% said they didn’t even bother having sex on their wedding night. The truth is, your wedding night is going to be exactly what you make of it. It could be super romantic, or you could spend it praising the porcelain god because you partied too much.

If you want steamy romantic sex with your newly beloved, then you have to plan for it. That means no getting wasted, no fighting, and no staying up until all hours of the morning just to accomplish the deed.

You don’t have to make wedding night sex perfect, you just have to make it your own. Here are all the tips for how to make the most of your wedding night sex. [Read: 10 ways to make married sex feel like a one night stand]

How to make wedding night sex unforgettable

This is your wedding night. While your expectations should be set for having multiple orgasms on a bed of rose petals, you shouldn’t be prepped for a lackluster experience either. Whether you’re well-versed in the art of lovemaking or you’re new to the game, here is how to make the most of wedding night sex.

#1 If you’re a virgin. If you’re a virgin on your wedding night, then you’ve probably been told some pretty ridiculous things about how it’s going to go down. Men are told they’ll only last a few seconds *this might be true*, and women are told they’ll gush blood and feel no pleasure. If you’re a virgin, don’t expect a mind-blowing orgasm. But, don’t count it out either! These might be the general rumors, but they don’t have to be the truth.

Make your first time special. This is your wedding night, after all! Engage in plenty of foreplay, use protection, and take the time to enjoy one another. This is an experience you’ll never forget. You know… unless you’re wasted. [Read: First time sex and the virgin’s guide to nailing it]

#2 Low pressure means good results. Even if you’ve had sex a hundred times by the time you get to the wedding night, you may still get butterflies. This is the first time you’re having sex as husband and wife.

One of the biggest tips you should remember is not to put too much pressure on the evening. Set your expectations low for the sex portion of the evening. That way, if you have it you’ll be thrilled, but you won’t be disappointed if you’re both too exhausted to have a goodnight kiss.

Wedding night sex doesn’t have to complete some kind of checklist. There doesn’t have to be a room full of heart shaped balloons, you don’t have to have candles burning, and you don’t have to wear white lingerie or carry your new wife over the threshold.

All of these things would definitely make the night more special – sure! But the most important thing is that you’re starting your life together. [Read: Wedding night woes when sex isn’t on the menu]

#3 Don’t get drunk. If you’re really looking forward to the best wedding night sex you can have, then the best advice you can live by is not to get drunk at your wedding. Alcohol’s negative effects on sex can leave you with a limp whiskey dick or a desert dry vagina. Both of these things, especially combined, do not make for a romantic romp in the sack.

Another un-fun bit of boozy truth? Alcohol can dull or impair your orgasm. That’s right, you may be able to get it in the hole, but that doesn’t mean you or her are ever going to finish from it. Just some key reasons why you may not want to get wasted before your wedding night sex.

#4 Do it earlier in the day. Whether you are virgins or not, getting it on right after your vows may be more ideal than waiting until after your reception. If you have your ceremony at noon you could be back in bed by 2 p.m. easily.

This allows you a moment of privacy to wind down after your emotional exchanging of vows. Not to mention, you can get it on. This also means you can get a decent buzz on at your reception without worrying how it will affect your performance in the bedroom. Win/win! [Read: 10 naughty sex games for couples to instantly feel horny]

#5 Bring the essentials. Just because you’re staying at a hotel doesn’t mean you shouldn’t bring your sex essentials with you. If your wife can only get off when you use a vibrator on her clit, bring it along! If you guys use toys, lube, fantasy, handcuffs, or other sexual aids, be sure to plan ahead and bring your naughty picnic basket with you.

#6 Prep beforehand. Wedding night sex should pull out all the stops, and that includes shaving your legs. Schedule a full body wax or trim down those pubes, because tonight is a night for romance.

You may even want to wash up beforehand or bring some wet wipes with you for a quick clean beforehand. Knowing you’re all nipped, waxed, tanned, and smelling great will help you feel more comfortable about doing the deed later. [Read: How to elope and have your perfect fairy tale]

#7 Remember… this is a special event. This isn’t a contest to see who can cross the finish line first. It’s your wedding night sex. Nosy friends old and new will all be asking what the sex was like on your wedding night. Don’t be the person who responds: “Even worse than I thought.”

Even if you’ve been having sex for years, you shouldn’t discount your wedding night sex as just another ride on the merry-go-round. Make this night special. Take your time exploring one another and pleasing one another as husband and wife. This experience should set up your sexual encounters for years to come, so make it a good one.

#8 Accept that it may not happen. Wedding night sex is never what you think it’s going to be. It doesn’t have to be mind-blowing, it doesn’t have to be awkward, and in fact… it doesn’t have to happen at all. So don’t worry about it, after all – you’re married now! You have plenty of time for sheet-soaking sex tomorrow. And the next day. And the day after that.

[Read: Barn weddings and other strange trips down the aisle]

Don’t get hung up on what wedding night sex should be. You can spend the night following your nuptials ravaging each other in orgasmic bliss. Or, you can spend the night eating Cheetos and watching Seinfeld reruns. The choice is yours, and there is no wrong one so long as you’re doing it together.

The post Wedding Night Sex: How to Make It an Unforgettable Experience is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

from LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships


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