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13 Signs of Unspoken Attraction that’ll Reveal If Someone’s Into You

Spotting the signs of unspoken attraction isn’t always easy. Once you got them down, you’ll be able to answer who’s into you and who’s not.

An unspoken attraction is fun to figure out. You have these butterflies in your stomach when you see them, but you’re not sure how they feel so. You spend your day creeping on them on their social media and deciphering everything they do and say to you. So, you know you like them, but what signs of unspoken attraction do they display?

I get it, it’s a little dramatic. But who doesn’t love a little drama every now and then? Exactly. Eventually, you just want to know what’s going on. Usually, this conclusion will happen on its own, especially if they feel the same way about you. I mean, how long can people go liking each other without losing their minds?

How to read the signs of unspoken attraction

Anyways, it’s time for you to get one step closer in figuring out what’s going on between you and this person. Is there an unspoken attraction between you? I know you like them, but it would be nice to figure out if the feeling is mutual, right? So, it’s time we figured it out. [Read: 15 foolproof ways to tell if someone likes you without asking them]

These are the signs of unspoken attraction. Of course, don’t assume there’s an attraction if you only see one sign. There should be a couple of clear signs being displayed before you jump to any conclusions.

So, let’s get this started and have you figuring out what’s really going on between you. Knowing the signs of unspoken attraction are essential skills to have.

#1 You feel the chemistry. You’re human. You have intuition. You can feel other people’s emotions and reactions to things. This is an amazing skill to have because if you focus on it, you’ll be able to recognize whether or not someone is attracted to you. If you’re feeling a tingling feeling when you’re around someone, there could be an electric exchange going on between you. [Read: How to tell if there’s serious chemistry between two people]

#2 You two naturally are close together. I mean this both in a physical and emotional sense. You are always standing or sitting close together. Something you don’t usually do with other people. But you allow them into your personal space and vice versa. If you’re also sharing a lot of personal information with them, you feel comfortable and trusting in them. [Read: 10 clearly noticeable signs of body language attraction]

#3 You tease each other. Teasing is a form of flirting when it’s done genuinely. By teasing someone, you’re showing that you’re close to that person. You can’t tease just anyone, they have to be people who are emotionally connected with you. Teasing is a sign of intimacy and if you poke fun at each other, there’s some unspoken attraction floating around in the room.

#4 It’s all in the eyes. One of the most obvious ways to figure out if there’s unspoken attraction is with eye contact. Strong eye contact not only shows attraction, but it also makes the person feel more attracted to you as well. Now, they could be shy, so eye contact may not be a dead giveaway, but once the person is more comfortable around you, you’ll notice more eye contact. [Read: What does sexual attraction really feel like in person]

#5 You linger around each other. Usually, we can’t wait for people around us to leave. With this person though, you find yourself overstaying, hanging out with them for as long as possible. With unspoken attraction, you want to see them as much as possible, canceling other plans just to see this person. Are you doing the same thing now?

#6 They’re emotionally extreme. Okay, this sounds a little spooky, but it’s not. People use emotion as a way to get attention. So, if they’re sad, they’re going to be very sad. If they’re happy, they’re really happy. It’s all about getting the other person’s attention.

#7 Nervousness. When you like someone, you’re not going to act completely cool and calm. In reality, when you like someone, you’re freaking out inside. Your blood is racing through your body and you can feel your heart pulsate. It’s intense. You or the other person may stutter when speaking or forget your train of thought. In other words, you’re going to be a mess.

#8 It’s all in the body. Most communication is nonverbal which means you need to be paying attention to their actions, not their words. If you notice them touching you, moving closer to you, and always facing in your direction, this could be an indicator that they want something more. When someone is attracted to you, everything will point in your direction. [Read: 20 unmistakable signs your friend is crushing on you]

#9 Fixing their appearance. When someone is constantly fixing their appearance, they’re not doing it without reason. If you’re noticing them fixing their shirt, hair, makeup, they’re making sure their appearance is on point. Why? They want you to find them attractive. It’s that simple.

#10 Mirror each other’s movements. It’s a weird thing to read and even a weirder thing to notice in person. When we like someone, we mirror their movements and expressions. Couples who have amazing chemistry are mirrored versions of one another. This isn’t something that’s done on purpose, it’s natural.

#11 Trying to make you laugh. If there isn’t an unspoken attraction between two people, no one would care about whether or not someone is laughing. But if there’s an attraction between you and another person, subconsciously, you want to laugh with them. Laughing creates a bond and that’s the main goal. [Read: How to build sexual tension to the point where it’s out of control]

#12 Trying to impress each other. When there is an unspoken attraction between two people, they’re constantly trying to impress each other. It may sound a little vain, but it happens with good reason. You want them to find you interesting and attractive, right? So, you show them your best traits. [Read: 15 obvious signs of flirting between a guy and a girl]

#13 They don’t pay attention to other people. When they’re around you, they only have eyes for you. They’re not checking other people out or looking at their phones. Rather, they’re keeping their eyes on the prize. It looks like someone likes you!

[Read: How to ask someone if they like you without embarrassing yourself]

Now you know the signs of unspoken attraction! Is there someone popping into your head that you think is into you? Well, these signs will help you figure it all out.

The post 13 Signs of Unspoken Attraction that’ll Reveal If Someone’s Into You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

from LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships


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