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How to Plan a Date to Knock the Socks Off Anyone You Want to Impress

You’ve got yourself a date—great news! Now the reality sets in of what you must do, how to plan a date to remember! It’s all in the creativity…

A great date isn’t about huge amounts of money spent. It’s not about doing something crazy and out there. No, knowing how to plan a date to remember is about being creative, thinking of something fun, and being yourself. It’s really that easy!

Most of us panic when it comes to planning a first date. We’re so high on the energy of them actually agreeing to go out with us. Then, the panic of what to actually do on the date dawns on us.

The good news is that understanding how to plan a date to remember isn’t really about needing huge amounts of time or cash. It’s about thinking outside the box. [Read: 30 fun first date ideas that leave them wanting more]

How to plan a date to remember: The dos and don’ts

Let’s explore this subject a little more deeply, and touch upon the dos and don’ts of a great date.

#1 Do avoid checking your phone. Okay, you might need to leave your phone on just in case of an emergency, but do not keep checking the damn thing! There is nothing more annoying than not being present. Your date will notice it and wonder whether you’re wishing you were somewhere else.

Think about how you would feel if your date was doing the same. Incidentally if they are, it’s probably time to find another date altogether! [Read: Don’t ignore these 12 subtle red flags on your first date]

#2 Don’t stick with the regular routine. Dinner and drinks? Boring! Cinema? No time to talk! Rather than sticking with the regular tried and tested routines, when it comes to knowing how to plan a date well, the best tips all center around doing something different. Go to the zoo or a festival. Check out a local event or see a comedy show.

Basically, go somewhere that interests both of you, and avoid the regular haunts which put far too much pressure on how a date goes. By being creative, you’re setting the scene for conversation and quirkiness, not regular boredom! [Read: 14 signs you’re unintentionally ruining your first date]

#3 Do find out if they have any specific fears, irrational or otherwise. It’s a good idea to do a little delving before you plan the date. Find out if there is anything they really don’t like or are fearful of. For instance, we mentioned going to the zoo. What if your date hates animals? Unlikely, but it’s possible!

You might plan a butterfly sanctuary visit, and they’re really scared of the little creatures! By asking questions about the things they like and don’t like when you’re generally chatting and texting, you’ll avoid these kinds of minor disasters.

#4 Don’t have a friend obviously lurking nearby. There is a difference between letting a friend know where you’re going for safety and actually having them sitting at the next table! Your date will notice. It certainly won’t make them feel comfortable! If you don’t feel safe with your date, whether you’re the one planning it or not, don’t go. It’s that simple.

#5 Don’t think you need to splash the cash. You don’t need to spend a fortune to plan a great date. If they are only impressed by money, they really aren’t the type of person you should be dating anyway. Of course, it’s nice to offer to pay, and it’s nice to go to quality places. If you’re really low on cash, don’t feel pressured into heading to a fancy bar for cocktails.

Sometimes, the small touches really mean more. We’re talking about things like holding out a chair, holding open a door, taking a coat, etc. These things are far more valuable than anything money-related. [Read: 18 signs your date really likes you on the very first date]

#6 Do attempt to impress with your sense of humor. The number one thing which most men and women find attractive is a sense of humor. Don’t turn the date into a stand up comedy routine, but make them giggle a few times. This disarms the other person and puts them at ease. Bonus, it also makes you feel more comfortable.

When you make someone laugh, you’re showing your true personality. Who you are is what will really shine through. Which leads onto… [Read: How different types of humor impact relationships]

#7 Do be yourself. The biggest piece of advice on how to plan a date, above everything, is to always be yourself. Never try and be someone you’re not simply because you’re nervous about how it will go. Remember, if things do go well, you’re going to need to keep up the pretense of being someone different for any dates following. That’s just downright exhausting!

Be yourself and you will shine. It’s really that simple.

#8 Don’t choose a venue too far away. For the first date, choose somewhere relatively close to home for both of you. This is not only for convenience, but also for safety. You don’t know this person well. You don’t want to be a million miles away from home if things don’t go as well as you would like. In addition, the drive there and back may be awkward!

#9 Don’t put too much pressure on the first date. If you place a huge amount of pressure on yourself and the outcome of this date, then you’re not going to enjoy it. You’re not going to be the best version of yourself, and it’s probably going to be a disaster.

If on the other hand you relax, enjoy your time, and simply be yourself, you’re more likely to not only have a great time, but also bag a second date! [Read: How to make a good impression on the first date]

What makes a great first date anyway?

If you watch anything from Hollywood, you probably think that first dates have to be swish and hugely impressive to make it to a date number two. This is not true. A great first date is about connection and having fun together. It’s not about money or huge effort.

Of course, do your best to impress, but impress with your personality above everything else. Some of the best dates are simple in nature. For instance, a walk through a national park, followed by a lunch in a cozy country pub is a wonderful way to spend your first date together! [Read: 20 things that will completely perfect your first date conversation]

If you go too over the top, keen and eager to impress, chances are that you will come over as ‘trying too hard.’ That’s never a good thing. Most men and women are turned off by someone who’s clearly trying to impress with money and flashy items, rather than their sense of humor, warm personality, and wit.

Being humble and kind is a far better option. Even the biggest failure of a date can turn into a success with a smile and a quirky remark to make someone laugh!

[Read: First date moves that will guarantee a second]

When it comes to knowing how to plan a date which impresses even the most difficult to impress date, the simple tactics are always the best. You simply need your personality, creative thinking, and the ability to make someone smile.

The post How to Plan a Date to Knock the Socks Off Anyone You Want to Impress is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

from LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships


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