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10 Signs He’s Emotionally Attached to You & Feels Real Close to You

Guys are not always forthcoming with their feelings, but if you read between the lines, you can find the signs he’s emotionally attached to you.

You know when you’re emotionally attached to a guy. You feel off if you haven’t heard from him. You think about him when he’s not around. And you’re used to his presence in your life. But, do you know the signs he’s emotionally attached to you?

What does emotionally attached mean?

In order to spot the signs he’s emotionally attached to you, learn what emotionally attached means.

To some, it could mean he is whipped. To others, it could be a weakness or vulnerability. And then some view it as a bond and a connection. It isn’t a bad thing to be emotionally attached.

Some could say it makes you rely on someone else and makes you codependent, but that isn’t true. Even the most independent people in happy and healthy relationships are emotionally attached because being emotionally attached is healthy. It is how we make connections with friends and family.

[Read: How to tell when a man is emotionally connected to you]

The definition of emotional attached describes it as a lack of freedom. I disagree with Webster on that one. Emotional attachment gives you stability, support, and comfort.

If a guy is emotionally attached to you, it means there is something keeping him close to you. He relies on you to listen, advise, comfort, show companionship, and more. Yes, being emotionally attached opens you up to pain if things don’t work out. But without emotional attachment, you’ll never truly create a bond or a healthy relationship.

Being emotionally attached in the simplest terms means you depend on each other. [Read: 25 signs he really loves you even if he doesn’t say it out loud]

The clearest signs he’s emotionally attached to you

Now that you know what emotionally attached means, spot the signs he’s emotionally attached to you and plans on sticking around.

This can either give you confidence in your relationship or worry if you plan on ending things. But, either way, it is always good to have all the information before making any decisions.

So, let’s see if your man is emotionally attached to you.

#1 He’s comfortable around you. It is hard to get emotionally attached to someone you can’t completely be yourself around. When he shows his true colors *the good and the bad*, he is emotionally attached to you.

You get emotionally attached to the people you enjoy being around, and if he is happy and comfortable doing nothing with you or going on an adventure, he is emotionally attached to you.

#2 He reaches out when times are tough. If he vents to you when he is having friend trouble, work trouble, or anything else, he is emotionally attached. People don’t like to open up and share any bad news with people they don’t feel attached to.

He wants you in his life for all the ups and downs which means he shows signs he’s emotionally attached to you. [Read: 25 signs and traits that make a guy a really great boyfriend]

#3 He wants to celebrate with you. The same goes for the good times. Not only does he turn to you when things aren’t going his way, but he also goes to you with good news. He celebrates good days with you because you make them better.

He will only want the people he is emotionally attached to around him in these big life moments.

#4 He asks for your opinion. When you are emotionally attached to someone, you care about their views. He may ask your opinion on everything from his shirt to his best friend and more. If he takes your opinions into account before making decisions about things both big and small, he is getting used to you being around.

Not only does he respect and honor your opinions, but he genuinely wants you to be happy with the choices he makes. [Read: 17 gestures of love that are way louder than words]

#5 He makes future plans. If he is making plans with you for more than a month in advance, he feels emotionally attached to you. Guys, really anyone, won’t plan out future events with you if they don’t plan on being with you in the future.

And they wouldn’t want you in their lives longer if they weren’t emotionally attached to you.

#6 He wants things to get serious. There are a lot of signs he wants to get serious. And if he wants to get serious, it is because he is either already emotionally attached or on his way to it. If he wants you to meet his friends and family, gives you a key to his place, or even wants to move in together, those are all good signs.

Usually taking steps to make a relationship more serious only comes when someone feels emotionally attached to their partner. [Read: 16 signs he’s irresistibly attracted and wants you bad]

#7 He checks in. Emotional attachment doesn’t just show its face when you’re together but also when you’re apart. This means he thinks about you when you’re not around. So, if he checks in with a text or phone call throughout the day just to say hi or to see how you’re doing, he is emotionally attached.

If he worries about you getting home safely or tries to help with things you’re struggling with, he is emotionally attached. When you’re emotionally attached, your feelings feed off each other. If you’re upset so is he. Therefore, he will want to make sure you’re happy.

#8 He never wants you to leave. That sounded a little intense, but I don’t mean he holds you hostage. Rather, he holds you a little tighter before you go to work. He wants to stay the weekend even if he ran out of clean underwear. He wants to soak up all the time he has with you.

All of these are signs he wants you around and is happier when you are with him, signaling again emotional attachment. [Read: Is he deeply attracted to you? 16 giveaways he can’t hide]

#9 He considers your feelings. A man who considers your feelings doesn’t usually do that just for the hell of it. When you are emotionally attached to someone, your feelings and their feelings are intertwined. Your moods often mimic each other’s when you’re emotionally attached.

So, the same way we consider our own feelings before taking a new job, moving houses, or finding a new dentist, he will do the same for you. He will consider how you would feel about things before making up his mind. When you’re satisfied so is he.

#10 He tells you. Yes, I know. This is the obvious one. If he tells you he wants you around or he misses you, he is probably emotionally attached. If he reassures you about his feelings and shares his emotions, he is emotionally attached to you. [Read: The signs he is afraid to fall for you and is hiding his feelings]

What to do if he is emotionally attached to you

So, you read the signs he’s emotionally attached to you, now what?

If you know he is emotionally attached to you, you can continue on with how things are if they feel right. If you’re also emotionally attached to him, you’ll be in sync and things should progress nicely.

But, if you find yourself holding back or feeling withdrawn around him you may not be on the same page. If this is the case, you can talk to him about it. You can tell him you want to slow things down so your feelings can catch up with his. Or, if you don’t see potential, you can end things before he gets any more attached.

[Read: Am I ready for a relationship? Questions to ask yourself]

So, have you seen the signs he’s emotionally attached to you? What are you going to do about it?

The post 10 Signs He’s Emotionally Attached to You & Feels Real Close to You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

from LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships


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