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12 Subtle Signs He Misses You Badly and Really Cares About You

Whether you’re in a long distance relationship or you’ve broken up, knowing the signs he misses you can reassure you of his feelings.

Ladies, does your man have a way of never communicating his feelings? If you answered yes, this is the advice you need to know the signs he misses you.

If your guy struggles to share his feelings in the easiest of times, there is a good chance he really falls flat when you’re apart. Whether you live far apart or recently broke up, spotting the signs he misses you can help you out.

Yes, he does need to work on his communication skills. Until that happens it is on us to read between the lines and find the signs he misses you.

[Read: Does he miss me? 12 clear signs he stills thinks about you often]

Looking for subtle hints and signs he misses you?

When it comes to spotting the signs he misses you, it is not that hard. There are lots of places to look for these signs. If you aren’t sure where they are, that’s what I’m here for. Other than trying to read between the lines of his texts, figure out the more abstract signs he misses you.

Take a look at his social media accounts. Talk to his friends, if you’re also friends with them. Also, look at your own feelings. Do you miss him? If you do, how do you show it?

It is likely that the places to look for signs he misses you are the same places you show him that you miss him. Shocking, right?

The subtle and yet clearest signs he misses you

Now that you have a little bit of insight into where to be on the lookout for the signs he misses you, it is time to know what those signs are.

#1 He is very curious. This doesn’t mean he is behaving curiously. Instead, he is curious about what is going on with you. He may not come out and say he misses you, but he wants to know the scoop.

He wants to know how your day was. And he wants the latest gossip with your friends and how your aunt’s surgery went. He asks about everything and remembers everything you say. Taking the time to care and think about you when you aren’t together, are signs he is missing you. [Read: The 16 sure signs your man is smitten with you]

#2 He interacts with all your posts. Whether you post a cute selfie or an Instagram story of your lunch, he is on it. He likes and views everything you post. He may even message you or comment about it too.

And, he will use any chance he can to start a conversation and interact because he misses you. This could be an ex trying to come back into your life or a current boo making the most of every form of communication at his disposal. [Read: 17 gestures that are louder than words when it comes to love]

#3 Tags you on social media. I don’t mean that he tags you in #WomanCrushWednesday photos, although that is a major sign he misses you. If he tags you in memes and posts he thinks you’re interested in, he misses you.

Say he is scrolling to Twitter or Instagram, if something catches his eye and he thinks you’ll find it cute or funny or just slightly relevant he will send it to you. This shows you are always on his mind even when he is mindlessly scrolling.

#4 He mentions the old days. When you talk, he always brings up times where you were together. If he mentions when you first met or a great date you had and is all about reminiscing, he truly misses you.

If he is thinking about times when he didn’t miss you, he may be trying to relive those memories because he misses you so much right now.

#5 He reaches out without a reason. As much as I adore my friends, I usually have a reason to reach out via call or text. Either I have a question or news or we’re making plans. If he just reaches out to say what’s up or grasping at straws to talk to you, he misses you and wants to talk.

If he can’t come up with an excuse to talk to you other than saying what’s up or how did you sleep, he definitely is showing signs he misses you. [Read: 15 signs he thinks about you a lot even if he’s playing it cool]

#6 His friends tell you he misses you. Whether you share friends or not, his friends will show signs he misses you. Whether they come out and say it or not, you should be able to read the signs.

Depending on his friends, they may reach out to you because they want to know you better as you are so important to their friend. They may not like you because all he does is talk about you. If his friends add you on social media, reach out to say happy birthday, or really anything of the sort, it is because he is talking about you. [Read: How to accept your guy’s friends and get them to accept you]

#7 He shares any news. It is normal for a guy you have a long distance relationship with to call and let you know he got a promotion. If he’s reaching out for even the smallest news like a killer breakfast burrito, he misses you a lot.

Informing you of big news is one thing, but if he calls you right after he sees a movie, eats lunch, or goes to the dentist to fill you in, he is dying to talk to you and misses you badly. [Read: How to get what you want from a man]

#8 He will do anything to make plans. He could live across the country or down the street, but if he is willing to do anything to see you, he misses you.

This could mean he is willing to take a connecting redeye flight to see you for 24 hours. Or he is willing to drive you to the mall to buy your grandma a robe just to hang out with you. He will offer to go grocery shopping with you, build an Ikea shelf, or do pretty much anything to make sure he sees you.

#9 Drunk texts and calls. As has been said for years, the drunk mouth is the sober mind. If he is reaching out to you when he has had a little too much to drink, it is because he has lost all chill. His inhibitions are gone. He is letting out all the feelings he usually can control and push down.

If he is calling you when he is drunk to say how pretty you are or tell you how he puked on his new shoes, he is not only showing signs he misses you but maybe in love. How romantic? [Read: 25 signs he loves you even if he’s never said it out loud]

#10 He schedules calls. This does not sound romantic. If a guy is showing signs he misses you, he makes time for you. If he has a busy schedule he will tell you he’ll call at six or even schedule a daily or weekly chat so you are always talking even if you can’t be 24/7.

#11 He wants to see you. He will ask for photos continuously. Sure this could be sexually or not. A guy that truly misses you will be happy seeing a warped Snapchat picture of you. They will prefer to FaceTime over talking on the phone and will take any opportunity to see your face. [Read: Obsessive love: 15 ways to tell if it’s real or unhealthy]

#12 He wants you to know he’s thinking about you. For some guys, just saying he misses you is too vulnerable. They would just rather show it. And he won’t always be subtle about it. He may send you flowers randomly or surprise you with a trip or gift.

If he misses you, he won’t hide it for long.

[Read: 14 signs he’s telling the truth when he says he misses you]

The signs he misses you are not hard to spot. You just have to know where to look and what to look for.

The post 12 Subtle Signs He Misses You Badly and Really Cares About You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

from LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships


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