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How to Pinpoint the Reasons When a Woman Loses Interest in a Man

You’re really into her, but something has faded. Was it something you said? Was it something you did? Let’s find out when a woman loses interest in a man.

Listen, it’s important I clear things up – this article isn’t a man-bashing article. That’s not what I’m trying to do here. And if you wonder when a woman loses interest in a man – YOU – there’s a high chance it has nothing to do with you.

Sure, she may not like some characteristics you have, for example, but that’s not a reflection of you. Everyone has different preferences when it comes to the person they see themselves being with. Is it fair? No. Is their ideal person necessarily someone they should be with? No.

But, at the same time, you can’t force someone to like you; it’s something they must do on their own. I mean, you can manipulate someone into liking you, but that never lasts.

Manipulation is a big dating problems. You like someone, and you want them to like you back, so you alter your personality or fabricate information to get them more interested in you. But the thing is, you can only hide your true colors for so long. Eventually, the real you will be exposed, and it may not be someone they see themselves with. [Read: Are you losing yourself to impress the woman you like?]

When a woman loses interest in a man

If you notice a couple of these signs in the person you’re dating, it’s clear they’re losing interest. But instead of trying to keep them around, it’s best you end the relationship. Be with someone who’s really into you and the person you are.

It’s time to learn the truth about when a woman loses interest in a man.

#1 You’re not the one. For both men and women, we envision the future and whether the person we’re dating would fit into it. Is this someone you can see yourself being with for the long-term or not? If a woman is struggling to picture you as her long-term partner, then she may back off and her interest in you will fade. [Read: How to handle rejection without making a fool out of yourself]

#2 There’s no click. You know what I’m talking about the click. The click is hard to describe, but have you ever been on a date where you just get each other? Everything you say, everything she says, it fits perfectly, and you feel comfortable. If you don’t have the click, then there’s a high chance she doesn’t see you as her partner. [Read: How to tell if there’s serious chemistry between two people]

#3 You have different values. Dating is all about seeing whether or not this person is someone you could share your future with. Do they want the same things as you? Are their values similar to yours? If she doesn’t see you sharing the same values, for example, having children, then she’s going to look elsewhere for someone who wants and believes in the same things. [Read: How to ask someone if they like you without embarrassing yourself]

#4 It’s moving too fast. Last week you went on your first date, and this week, you want her to meet your parents. Slow down there, partner! Sometimes relationships can start very quickly, but that means they can also fade out just as fast. So, she’s pulling the reins and slowing things down for you.

#5 She doesn’t know what you want. Have you been completely honest with what you’re looking for in a relationship? If she’s not certain about where you stand, then she may step back. Of course, this could be easily solved if she asked you or you told her what you want. If you think this is the problem, think about what you want and have a conversation with her. 

#6 She’s not into your lifestyle. This doesn’t mean you should go and change, that’s not the point! If you’re someone who likes to watch football on Sunday with the guys, you shouldn’t give that up because she doesn’t like it. If she’s not appreciative of your lifestyle, she’s going to lose interest. And honestly, that’s for the best. You want a partner who’s supportive of your hobbies and interests.

 #7 She’s met someone else. Ah, yes, this is pretty common with both men and women. You may have had a great date, and spent hours texting and talking on the phone, but then, radio silence. Listen, it’s not you. If she goes radio silent, there’s a high chance she’s met someone else or is talking to her ex. I know, it’s shitty. [Read: 14 subtle signs your girlfriend is not over her ex]

#8 She’s not sure about you. If she isn’t sure about you, then it’s a pretty good sign you aren’t meant to be. When you meet someone you’re interested in, you know what you want. But if she’s unsure, then she’s going to lose interest in you pretty quickly. Because uncertainty is an answer… she’s just not that into you.

#9 You don’t sexually connect. You’ve had sex, but it wasn’t anything to write home about. If the sexual connection isn’t there, she’s probably having second thoughts. This doesn’t mean you’re not performing well. Everyone has different sexual preferences; you can’t please everyone, and that’s okay.

#10 She spots red flags. Maybe you remind her of her ex. That doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, but her relationship didn’t end well. Now she sees those personality traits and red flags. Past relationship trauma can greatly affect someone’s future relationship choices. It’s something you can’t control. [Read: 22 early warning signs of a bad boyfriend girls keep an eye on]

#11 You were a rebound. She broke up with her ex a while ago, and you were the first guy she dated after. She wasn’t looking for anything serious, and for her, you were a rebound. There was nothing more she wanted from the relationship, except sex with someone she’s attracted to.

This happens to both men and women, and unless they’re upfront about their intentions, it isn’t nice. [Read: The 14 telling signs you’re her rebound guy]

#12 The spark has fizzled. I don’t know how long you have been together, but the daily routine can easily kill the spark. Habitual routines are known as a romance killer. But this doesn’t mean the relationship is over. Throw in a spontaneous date here and there to bring back the spice.

[Read: Here’s how to make a relationship last]

Listen, it’s not you, it’s her. Though it may be cliche, it’s the truth. It’s her feelings that are your answer to when a woman loses interest in a man. If her feelings fade, let them and move on.

The post How to Pinpoint the Reasons When a Woman Loses Interest in a Man is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

from LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships


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