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Showing posts from April, 2020


The Signs He’s Trying to Get You Pregnant Without Telling You

You really like the guy you’re seeing, but he always talking kids. Though you’re not ready, you’re seeing the signs he’s trying to get you pregnant. I didn’t know this was an actual thing until lately. What guy would try to get his partner pregnant without her knowing? Have you ever seen the signs he’s trying to get you pregnant? Did you realize it was a thing? Usually, when a couple gets pregnant, it’s either by accident or they sat down and talked about having a baby. But there are some weird trends that pop up out of nowhere, and this, unfortunately, is one of them. I don’t know who came up with this idea, but there’s a trend going on where men are trying to get their partners pregnant. It’s also known as a baby trap. Let’s get one thing straight; this is not the majority of men. But the men who are doing this are making this trend known. [Read: Stealth sex – Is your guy sneakily removing his condom midway? ] The 10 devious and alarming signs he’s trying to get you pregnant ...

The 7 Types of Romantic Hugs that’ll Bring You Closer to Each Other

Connecting with your partner isn’t all about sex, hugging can be just as intimate. But, did you know there are different types of romantic hugs? Physical intimacy is important in a relationship, but it doesn’t mean you must be rattling the bed posts every night! There are many ways you can be physically and emotionally intimate without taking your clothes off. In fact, these seven types of romantic hugs are totally fine to do in public! These different types of romantic hugs all mean one thing: I love you, I care about you, I want you to feel safe, I feel safe in your arms. Hugging is officially certified as being good for your health. It can reduce stress, makes you feel happier and more upbeat. It can also help make your heart healthier too. All the more reason to start bear-hugging your partner whenever you get the chance! Of course, hugging is also a great way to connect with your partner and helps you to feel supported, and support them at the same time. However, it’s easy for...

Hustle Porn: What It Is and What Makes It So Bad For Your Life?

Most people enjoy watching porn, but this isn’t the porn I’m talking about. This type of porn, hustle porn, doesn’t belong in anyone’s life. I wish I was writing about some sort of sexually expressive material that helps you feel relaxed and connected to yourself, but sadly, that isn’t the case. Maybe you never even have heard of “hustle porn,” and if that’s the case, then I hope you never do. Listen, we all need to work. Unless you managed to be born into a rich family or marry someone with money, odds are you work. And there’s nothing wrong with that. From celebrities to janitors, everyone works. Even though we’d rather be doing other things, the world functions around money, and everyone needs their piece to survive. [Read: 15 things everyone should know about how to live a happy life ] What is hustle porn really? There are tons of quotes from successful people saying they worked extremely and made huge sacrifices, which ultimately brought them success. But is that what you...

How to Have Sex with Your Friend & Make Sure Things Don’t Get Weird

Is it possible to learn how to have sex with your friend without the entire friendship being affected for the worst? You’re on dangerous ground! Understanding how to have sex with your friend without it getting weird really comes down to how close you are in the first place, and whether you have any intentions of it becoming anything more. Sex is a weird thing, but so is friendship. Can the two ever go together without causing irreparable damage? Honestly? Sometimes yes, but most of the time, no. How likely are you to develop romantic feelings? You might think it won’t happen, but I promise you, when sex comes into the equation, romantic feelings have a habit of being not too far behind in many cases. Also, what page is your friend on? Do they feel the same? Do they have any unearthed feelings you might not know about? [Read: 16 hush-hush signs your friend wants to sleep with you ] As you can see, you’re about to enter dangerous territory. You should know where you both are befor...

How to Stay Motivated during Quarantine: We Can Do This!

We’re all learning to live with a massive adjustment due to the coronavirus. Part of that is figuring out how to stay motivated during quarantine. I cannot tell you how many friends, family members, and strangers I have seen on social media asking how to stay motivated during quarantine. And it doesn’t come as a shock. When we are home, we settle into our comfort zone. After all, home is where we relax after work and on weekends. Even if you regularly work from home as I do, being home during all of your off-hours just hits a different way. When your bed or couch is in sight, it is easy to melt into the cushions and get absorbed into a new TV series. And for the first few days, that may have felt like a much-needed break. The thing is, too much lounging in the same location can feel depressing. Doing nothing puts us in a rut that can be hard to break out of. Therefore, everyone and their aunt is looking for ways to stay motivated during quarantine. [Read: How to stay positive and ...

How to Be Mean to People Without Turning Into a Mean Person

Sometimes we all need to stand out for ourselves and demand the respect we deserve. It can be hard, but learning how to be mean is an art form. If you want to be respected, sometimes you need to stand up for yourself and avoid becoming a doormat. And sometimes, that means learning how to be mean to people. We’re told that if we’re mean, we’re nasty. We’re told that if we help others too much, we’re being taken advantage of because we don’t give ourselves the time we need. It’s a hard balance to find, but it’s entirely possible to learn how to be mean without allowing it to change your character. [Read: 16 reasons why people find it so easy to take you for granted ] Why should you learn how to be mean? It might sound negative to talk about learning how to be mean, but sometimes it’s necessary. Being mean doesn’t always have to be a negative thing, provided you know when to use the skill and when not to. You should not go around being mean to everyone all the time, because that mea...

12 Key Moments in a Relationship that Predict Your Future Together

Each relationship is different but there are moments that move you forward and bring you closer together. Have you had these key moments in a relationship?   Your relationship is full of moments, both good and bad. You have fights. You cuddle. You kiss. But, which of those are key moments in a relationship? Which of those moments changed things for you? Which jump-started your feelings? Which moment solidified your relationship. What made you feel more secure? These are the key moments in a relationship. They will happen at different times and in different ways for everyone, but knowing if they’ve happened or not can help you know where your relationship is. [Read: The 9 stages in a relationship every single couple MUST go though together ] Are there always key moments in a relationship? Almost always, yes. For some, they will be more obvious or romantic but for others, they may be more subtle. On The Bachelor, you’ll have hometown dates, overnights & then meeting the pa...

How to Turn On a Guy Without Being Obvious & Leave Him Desiring You

It’s one thing to be overtly flirty and hit on a guy. But it’s a completely different art to learn how to turn on a guy without being obvious at all. When I was in high school, I was horrible at flirting. I just didn’t know how to flirt, and let’s not even go to whether I knew how to turn on a guy without being obvious. Okay, I wasn’t horrible , but I came on way too strong. I guess all those chick flicks didn’t work in my favor. I remember asking a guy out, and even though he said yes, he called me when I got home to let me down easy. Years later, we were reminiscing, and he told me how scared he was at that moment. I freaked him out. And a fourteen-year-old, my ego was bruised, and I felt rejected. But I was just learning the ropes of how to flirt, and trust me; it took me a while. [Read: 15 obvious signs of flirting between a guy and a girl ] Learning to flirt… and learning the art of subtlety Before my relationship, I was the master of flirting. Though I made a clear line of w...

Are You Self Isolating with a Narcissist and Need Help Coping?

Living in the middle of a global pandemic means the need to isolate to save lives. However, what do you do if you’re self isolating with a narcissist? Coronavirus has changed our lives. Hopefully, it won’t be for the long haul. In the meantime, there is the need to stay home and isolate to contribute towards the fight. For most, while annoying and frustrating, staying at home with family isn’t a huge deal. But what do you do if you’re self isolating with a narcissist, and you’re unable to get out for a break from the onslaught? The world we’ve living in right now is certainly a strange place. A few months ago, no one could have predicted the reality we’re facing. The need to stay at home and avoid the things we normally do to save our own lives and those of the people around us. [Read: How to fight loneliness while self isolating during a pandemic ] First things first, who is a narcissist? A narcissist will twist everything, manipulate and cause you to question your own sanity in ...

The Easiest Ways to Date without Spending Money & Have a Great Time

Being broke shouldn’t stop you from going out, so what are the best ways to date without spending money and have fun? Read on for the top date ideas! When you think of dating, you probably think of getting drinks, going to dinner, or seeing a movie. These are classic go-to dates, but they all cost money and a lot of it. Now, it’s not cheap to want to know ways to date without spending money. If you work for minimum wage, you could be spending more than six hours of your paycheck in one evening. But you shouldn’t have to break into your savings just to get to know someone and have a good time. There are plenty of ways to impress your date without throwing money at them. In fact, these money-saving date ideas maybe even more impressive because they are creative and thoughtful.  [Read:  20 fun and unconventional date ideas you can try ] How to date without spending money It can be intimidating to date when you’re on a tight budget. You don’t want to come off as cheap. It ca...

13 Most Obvious Signs of a Cheating Spouse that are Easy to Miss

I hate to break it to you, but people cheat. What’s important is that you find out early the signs of a cheating spouse, so you can end things. I want to say we live in a world where people who make a commitment stick to their word, but not all of them do. And it is really sad we need to become well-versed in the signs of a cheating spouse. When you’re in a relationship with someone, you assume they’re following the same rules as you, including being faithful. The 13 most obvious signs of a cheating spouse Once, when I was traveling, the guy I was dating cheated on me. I already knew he had before he even confessed to me. I don’t know if he was bored or emotionally disconnected, but he did what he did. It’s not a nice feeling, knowing that someone was dishonest towards you when you opened yourself up to them. [Read:  How to know if your lover is under another’s spell and falling into an affair ] Now, this doesn’t mean your partner is cheating on you. Just because they come hom...