You really like the guy you’re seeing, but he always talking kids. Though you’re not ready, you’re seeing the signs he’s trying to get you pregnant. I didn’t know this was an actual thing until lately. What guy would try to get his partner pregnant without her knowing? Have you ever seen the signs he’s trying to get you pregnant? Did you realize it was a thing? Usually, when a couple gets pregnant, it’s either by accident or they sat down and talked about having a baby. But there are some weird trends that pop up out of nowhere, and this, unfortunately, is one of them. I don’t know who came up with this idea, but there’s a trend going on where men are trying to get their partners pregnant. It’s also known as a baby trap. Let’s get one thing straight; this is not the majority of men. But the men who are doing this are making this trend known. [Read: Stealth sex – Is your guy sneakily removing his condom midway? ] The 10 devious and alarming signs he’s trying to get you pregnant ...