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The Signs He’s Trying to Get You Pregnant Without Telling You

You really like the guy you’re seeing, but he always talking kids. Though you’re not ready, you’re seeing the signs he’s trying to get you pregnant.

I didn’t know this was an actual thing until lately. What guy would try to get his partner pregnant without her knowing? Have you ever seen the signs he’s trying to get you pregnant? Did you realize it was a thing?

Usually, when a couple gets pregnant, it’s either by accident or they sat down and talked about having a baby. But there are some weird trends that pop up out of nowhere, and this, unfortunately, is one of them.

I don’t know who came up with this idea, but there’s a trend going on where men are trying to get their partners pregnant. It’s also known as a baby trap. Let’s get one thing straight; this is not the majority of men. But the men who are doing this are making this trend known.

[Read: Stealth sex – Is your guy sneakily removing his condom midway?]

The 10 devious and alarming signs he’s trying to get you pregnant

So, how do you know if the guy you’re with is trying to get you pregnant? Well, first of all, I hope you never actually have to question your partner on this. It’s such a crazy concept.

But, there’s a chance that the guy you’re dating doesn’t have the same intentions as you. Stop and make sure that you’re on the same page as your partner. Because having a baby is no easy decision, and it’s definitely not something that should be forced upon you. If that’s the case, then I don’t think you found the person you want to be with. So, here are the signs he’s trying to get you pregnant.

Whoa. Double whoa.

#1 He keeps pushing the topic of kids. If you’re married and in your thirties, I understand your partner bringing up the topic of children. But, if you’re just dating and he constantly brings up the topic of children, even after you give him your answer, something isn’t right. He should respect your answer and not force kids on you. [Read: The worrying signs you’re being taken advantage of in a relationship]

#2 You’ve tried to break up with him. Many people, men, and women think having a baby will solve their relationship problems. If you broke up with your partner or tried to, this could be a way for him to stay connected to you. It’s a crazy idea, I know, but sometimes when people feel desperate, they do crazy things.

 #3 You’ve clearly stated what you want, and he ignores it. This isn’t the first conversation you’ve had with him about kids. It’s the 100th conversation, yet it’s like you’re talking to a doorknob. He’s not hearing you and ignores your wishes and even makes you nervous about having sex with him. If that’s how you feel, this isn’t a trusting relationship.

#4 He refuses to wear a condom. Many guys dislike the feeling of wearing a condom, but most are willing to sacrifice the sensation to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. It’s easy math. One condom equals no babies.

But if he refuses to wear a condom after you’ve asked him, then you have a problem. Firstly, it shows he doesn’t respect you or himself. Secondly, he’s not mature enough to understand the consequences. Either way, it’s a bad look for him.

#5 He doesn’t want to pull out. Okay, so let’s say you let it slide and have sex without a condom. Things happen, I get it. When unprotected sex happens, men will pull out to prevent ejaculating inside their partner. But when you have sex, and he’s not willing to pull out, that’s very serious.

Why wouldn’t he pull out? This is a huge warning sign that he either is looking to get you pregnant or reckless. [Read: Why you should never ever trust his pull out game]

#6 He conveniently has sex with you when you’re ovulating. Most men have no idea when a woman is ovulating; let’s be honest. But if a guy is really focused on getting you pregnant, they’ll make sure to do the math and see when your eggs are fresh and ready for action. But, you’re not going to really notice this unless you see other signs on this list as well.

#7 You are in the honeymoon phase. When you’re at the beginning of the relationship, things are hot and heavy. The attraction is there, and you can’t keep your hands off of each other.

When you’re in the moment, and things are heating up, it’s easy to get out of hand and think you want something when you really don’t. In this case, it could be having a baby. This is why you wear protection or use conception, for these unexpected moments.

#8 He comments about being less than you. If you’re noticing some of these signs like he doesn’t want to wear a condom, or he doesn’t pull out, mixed with him making comments about being “less” than you, this is something to worry about. It’s crazy to think this, but there are some guys who will do anything to keep a woman with them, especially if they believe the woman is “out of their league.” 

#9 You aren’t in an actual relationship. You have been played by him since the very beginning, and even though you know he likes you, he doesn’t want to commit. That being said, no matter how much he likes you, he doesn’t want to be tied down. So, what can he do to make sure you’re always around? Ding, ding, ding. [Read: The surefire signs the guy you’re dating is playing you] 

#10 He pokes holes in the condoms. Well, if you ever catch someone doing this, then it’s a strong sign for you to get out of the relationship immediately. Who pokes holes in condoms? Why would you go against your partner like that? If you found out he’s doing this to get you pregnant; this is not someone you can grow honestly with.

[Read: The big and early warning signs of a bad boyfriend]

I’ve never encountered these signs he’s trying to get you pregnant. Honestly, I hope you don’t either. But if he is, consider this a huge red flag. And don’t walk away, run!

The post The Signs He’s Trying to Get You Pregnant Without Telling You is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

from LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships


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