Learning how to friendzone a girl is an important skill to learn, as it will happen many times in your life. But leave her with her dignity. If you have yet to experience this scenario, I’ll just say it—I’m surprised! I swear I’ve been friendzoned a handful of times, and I friendzoned tons of friends as well. It’s not an easy thing to do and an even harder thing to have done to you. Knowing what it feels like to be friendzoned, will surely make you better at doing the friendzoning. And learning how to friendzone a girl will help you out in life. How it feels to be friendzoned Okay, well to be frank, it sucks. I always felt foolish for believing that there was something more between us. And I have a bad habit of believing things are better off than they really are. I always think I crushed job interviews and the job is definitely mine, or I believe that the people I’m interested in must be interested in me as well. Those things don’t just happen. It would be amazing ...