If you *and everyone else* are asking: are we just friends or is he interested? You need to know, and I am here to help you know the difference. Are we just friends or is he interested, is probably one of the most popular questions I am asked. Most women are trying to figure out whether or not a guy is interested or just a friend. What can I tell you? Sometimes, it’s easy to spot the signs. Other guys are tricky and like figuring out a Rubik’s cube. Who has the time for that? Sure, you have amazing chemistry, and the conversation blows your mind. But you don’t really know what’s going on between you. [Read: How to read the subtle hints of friendly versus flirty ] How to answer the conundrum: Are we just friends or is he interested? The best way to figure it out? Ask him. I know it’s not the easiest thing to do, but you’ll have your answer. Maybe not the one you were looking for, but at least it’s an answer. On the other hand, I know you may not be ready to make that move, and I g...