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Does My Ex Miss Me? 15 Signs Your Ex Is Clearly Not Over You Yet

It looks like your ex has moved on for good. But that doesn’t mean they don’t miss you. If you’re wondering, does my ex miss me, it’s time you found out.

After a breakup, there’s a period where things are tough. We’re heartbroken and feeling like we’ve hit an all-time low. Every now and then, we can’t help but wonder, does my ex miss me, do they still care about me and want to get back together, and many other things along these lines.

That phase is normal after a breakup. But then, once you start to move on, everything feels a bit better. But not everyone moves on at the same pace. Some people can move on quickly; others take more time. During that time, it’s easy to fall back and want to contact your ex because you miss them. I think that’s a normal desire to have when going through a breakup.

[Read: Should you text your ex? The guide to help you make up your mind]

I remember during my big breakup, I was wondering if my ex was even thinking about me. I missed him so much, and I was hoping he was feeling the same way. I wanted him to miss me. Partially because I thought we could get back together and partially because of my ego.

I was trying every trick in the book to figure out how he felt about me. Eventually, I got my answer. If you’re wondering if your ex misses you, then it’s time to look at the signs. [Read: 16 signs your ex wants you back and can’t stop thinking of you]

Does my ex miss me? 15 signs that’ll reveal the truth in no time

Let’s find out if you’re still on their mind.

#1 They tell you. This is a given. If someone gets the courage to tell you they miss you, then they’re most likely honest and truthful. It’s not easy to let your guard down and be vulnerable. But if your ex has told you they miss you, then you know the answer. [Read: When does an ex start to miss you? The bittersweet truth revealed]

#2 They try to contact you. They wouldn’t try to contact you unless they have feelings for you. Come on, most of the time, we’re trying to avoid our exes at all costs. But your ex is trying their best to get in contact with you and see if they can make things work.

#3 They drunk text/call you. We all know what this means. No one and I mean no one, texts, or calls their ex when they’re drunk unless there are feelings involved. The drunk text/call is the ultimate sign your ex has feelings about you. Now, those feelings aren’t necessarily positive, but they’re feelings. [Read: Subtle signs your ex wants you back but won’t admit it]

#4 You constantly run into them. It’s weird, here you are, wondering does my ex miss me, and wherever you are, they seem to pop up! Unless you two work in the same building together, it’s odd you two are always bumping into one another. You don’t do it intentionally, but how do you know if it’s unintentional on their side? [Read: 14 things you MUST keep in mind when you bump into your ex]

#5 They ask to hang out. You would never ask your ex to hang out unless there’s a reason why. Most of the time, it’s because there are unresolved feelings, and they want to see if there’s a chance to get back together. If they want to hang out with you, they’re into you.

#6 They talk about the past. Not the bad times, they talk about the good times you two shared. The happy memories, the things that made them laugh – the memories that make them miss you. We all reminisce about the past, but they’re stuck in it.

#7 They’re all over your social media. We all creep out exes *even though we shouldn’t be!*, but they’re going a step further. They like all your posts, comment on every photo; in other words, they haven’t moved on, and they want you to know they’re still interested. [Read: Why your ex still texts you and tries to stay in touch all the time]

#8 They try to make you jealous. They want a reaction from you. They miss you, but they want to see how you feel about them. They don’t want to ask you how you feel because they fear rejection. So, instead, they do small things to see if you’re jealous. By gauging your reaction, they see how you feel about them.

#9 They act jealous when you talk to other people. Maybe you two are still friends or hang out with the same people. And there are times where you’re in the same room together; these things happen. But when you’re talking or flirting with other people, they’re jealous. And if you’re wondering does my ex miss me, well, this is a clear sign they’re not over you.

#10 They’re still single. Not everyone is interested in rebounding right away. Some people take their breakup hard and want to spend time on their own, healing themselves before going into another relationship. If your ex has been single for a while, they probably still miss you and are trying to move on.

#11 They’re always happy to see you. But, I mean, they light up like a Christmas tree when they see you. What can I say? You make them feel good, and seeing you makes them feel good and positive. They wouldn’t have this reaction unless they still have feelings for you. [Read: 15 signs your ex is subtly trying to win you back]

#12 They ask you about your current relationship. Now, why would they do that? Of course, we’re all curious about our exes and their new relationships, but usually, we leave that to Facebook creeping. But if they directly ask you about your current relationship, they’re interested to see if there’s room for them.

#13 They talk about you with mutual friends. Oh, come on. You know if someone is talking about you, there are some feelings still lingering. If they’re spending their time asking questions about you to mutual friends, they’re trying to fish around and see what’s going on. Maybe they’re just curious, or maybe they really miss you. [Read: How to make someone miss you and regret ever leaving you]

#14 They quickly jumped into a new relationship. Ah yes, the rebound. We’ve all been in those situations where we don’t want to deal with our emotions. So, we try to find someone else to be with us as soon as possible. Have we moved on from our past relationship? No. But a rebound gives people the illusion they’ve moved on. [Read: How to deal with the hurt when your ex moved on way faster than you]

#15 They’re angry at you. Some people don’t handle breakups very well. Let’s be honest; no one really knows how to handle a breakup. But instead of feeling sad while missing their partner, some people choose to show anger. I’m not saying this is behavior you should accept; you shouldn’t take that from anyone. If they miss you, there are other ways to express it.

[Read: When your ex texts you out of the blue, what should you do?]

The next time you wonder, does my ex miss me, recollect these signs and you’ll have your answer instantly. So now that you know, what are you going to do?

The post Does My Ex Miss Me? 15 Signs Your Ex Is Clearly Not Over You Yet is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

from LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships


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