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The Best Virtual First Date Ideas to Really Get to Know Each Other

Whether you’re in quarantine due to the coronavirus or just prefer to video chat before meeting someone online, you’ll need some virtual first date ideas.

Online dating has never offered more options than right now. Not only are there endless apps to choose from, but you can go longer than ever before without meeting in person with a good list of virtual first date ideas.

Normally, I recommend meeting sooner rather than later, but with the current pandemic, that isn’t a feasible or safe option. Instead of texting nonstop until quarantine and social-distancing guidelines are lifted, try these virtual first date ideas.

With the access we all have to video chat, the options for virtual first dates are practically endless.

[Read: 30 really helpful tips to help you win at online dating]

Why should you try virtual dating?

A virtual date may not sound appealing to everyone. Why not just hold off on dating until the pandemic is over? Well, unless you have the world’s strongest willpower and self-control, I have a feeling you’ve already downloaded and deleted a dating app at least once.

When you are stuck at home and lonely, you want a change of pace. You want to talk to someone new and have something to look forward to.

Whether you are looking for something serious or not, virtual first dates can offer the same excitement as an actual first date, only different. Sure, you can’t share a first kiss or awkward nice-to-meet-you hug. However, you can get to know each other and have a lot of fun.

This whole experience could even give you a new perspective on dating, what you expect, and want from it. Changing your normal dating routine to something based on communication versus chemistry can open your eyes to new possibilities. 

[Read: How to be funny and make your date love your company]

Virtual first date ideas

The best way to come up with virtual first date ideas that you’ll actually enjoy is to think about what you enjoy. What you would like to do if you were going to meet in person. Next, adjust it to something you can do via video chat.

Actually, plan it out. Don’t just hop on video chat out of the blue. Plan it out at a specific time, wear something you would to a real first date, and even share a meal.

Preparing for a first date is half the excitement of the date itself. The nerves, butterflies, and the build-up is what makes a first date what it is. That shouldn’t go away because you’re meeting through a screen.

We have to make the best of the time we have right now. So… why not come up with some killer virtual first date ideas? You can start a new relationship from home. [Read: How to date while social distancing and feel closer than ever]

#1 Take online quizzes together. I know this seems cheesy. But, if you have ever been sucked into an online quiz about which type of bread you are or how well you know the Friends characters, this can be really fun to do together.

Explore Buzzfeed. Take the quizzes together during a video chat and compare your outcomes. You can see who knows more 90’s movie quotes than the other. Or find out what state Buzzfeed thinks you’re from based on your color choices. [Read: Here’s how to cut a bad date short – don’t stay stuck]

#2 Order dinner for each other. This is the best way to reenact an in-person date virtually. Since take out and delivery are still happening, for now, order dinner to be delivered to each other with only knowledge of each other’s allergies.

This leads into a normal date of sharing a meal together but lets you have a little fun with it too.

#3 Play 20 questions. I did this a lot as a teenager. Before I had a driving license and wanted to see someone, I would video chat with them. We would just ask questions back and forth. It may not be the more natural way to get to know each other, but it really connects you.

Ask about their childhood, their most embarrassing moment, did they have braces, or move around a lot? You would be surprised how many things you come up with that you wouldn’t have thought of when sharing a table at a restaurant. [Read: 40 first date questions that’ll guarantee an amazing conversation]

#4 Go for a walk together. I always think walks make wonderful dates. You get fresh air and can enjoy the day with someone you like. Since you can’t actually go for a walk physically together, go for a walk on your own while on the phone or video chatting.

You can show each other stray cats or weird bugs you come across or even virtually introduce your pets if you have them.

#5 Cook together. Cooking is such a bonding experience. You may not be able to hand your date a measuring cup or grab a pan for them. But cooking the same meal from your own kitchen while enjoying that moment together can be just as enjoyable.

You can see how you do things differently or the same and how your recipes may differ. And if only one of you knows how to cook, toss a little lesson into the chat. [Read: How not to online date – all the things you should avoid]

#6 Reminisce the good old days. Take a stroll down memory lane. While video chatting, scroll back through your old Instagram or Facebook photos. Show each other those embarrassing haircuts or weird selfie angles from around 2008.

This will surely bring the laughs. I’m positive it will also lead to some amazing stories behind the photos.

#7 Play games. You can play games like Scrabble virtually or even play video games together. A bit of friendly competition will get you pumped and let you see another side of each other that you normally wouldn’t until you’ve dated for a while.

Virtual first dates like charades, Pictionary, or even Scrabble can really amp up what an in-person first date would offer. [Read: 15 ridiculously fun conversation games you can use on a virtual date]

#8 Take a deep dive into YouTube. Sharing memes back and forth all day is definitely a big part of modern online dating. It doesn’t exactly create a solid first date. Instead, take a trip down a YouTube hole.

Watch what the site recommends together. Then rate the videos on how cringe worthy or funny they are.

#9 Clean out your closets. Set up your webcam in front of your closet. Clean out anything you haven’t pulled out in a while. Show each other or even try things on and get their opinion. This is a great thing to do just for yourself. And doing it together will feel like you accomplished something as a couple as early as the first date. [Read: 15 things you definitely need to do on a date to make it perfect]

#10 Take a virtual tour. Museums, gardens, and national parks all have virtual tours online that you can access for free. Take a tour together as if you were there in person. And if you have VR goggles, it can help it seem even more real.

Exploring somewhere you both haven’t been together, even online, can help you learn and grow together right off the bat.

[Read: 20 little details to perfect your first date conversation and behavior]

All of these virtual first date ideas can help you bond and connect with a new partner before ever meeting in person. They can even make that eventual first meeting a lot less nerve-wracking.

The post The Best Virtual First Date Ideas to Really Get to Know Each Other is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.

from LovePanky – Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships


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